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He placed the bucket down and then closed the distance between them. His strong arms ate her, and she disappeared in his embrace. There was no other place she'd rather be. Vrox did a better job at powering her than the sun, and not just by providing Vitamin D.

"I did not sleep well last night."

She nodded. "Me either. I'm happy we got over this. By the way... what happened to the ladder I made?"

The mischievous male grinned. "Carrying you to bed is my pleasure. That ladder of yours was getting in my way, so I stored it someplace it cannot be found. Come. I will take you to a nearby lake."

She chuckled and took his hand, intertwining their fingers. Vrox looked down and gave their connected hands a surprised look. She realized then that the simple gesture was alien to him.

When she softly squeezed her hand, Vrox offered a bright grin, revealing the canines that once terrified her but now thrilled her whenever her tongue skimmed them.

He led them past the gates, naked as the day they met. On one hand, he held his soft female, on the other, a brutally sharp dagger.

As promised, the lake wasn't far. It was in a private setting, surrounded by foliage and tall rocks. Kira tried to dive right in, but Vrox pressed a protective hand to her stomach that kept her in place. He scanned the water, looking for anything that was out of place, before finally releasing her.

She tossed off her dress and then stomped into the water like an excited child. After dunking her head under, she sought Vrox. He was walking toward her, holding yellow leaves. With every step he took, more of his delicious body disappeared under the water.

Her eyes remained loyal to the apex of his body, watching his royal cock get slurped by the surface.

She licked her lips.

"Kira," he warned.

Her eyes jumped to his, and she offered a sheepish smile.

"You brat," he reprimanded. "Come. I will wash you."

She walked forward until her breasts were revealed. Vrox latched right onto them, rubbing them clinically with his soapy hands.

"So I can't stare at your dick, but you can feel me up? That's not fair."

He smiled. "I did not say you could not feel me."

She returned his smile. "I like the way you think."

She reached for him, but he tilted his hips away.

"If you touch me, I will not finish washing you," he argued before moving his hands to her shoulders and scrubbing them with the soap suds.

"Scrub faster, then."

He did no such thing. He took his time cleaning her, determined to put her hygiene before his pleasure. His calloused hands cleansed her neck, stomach, underarms, ass, and then dipped between her legs. To her painful frustration, his touch remained methodical.

"Vrox," she whined.

"Why do you only have hair on your head and face?" he asked, ignoring her pleas.

"On Earth, most women get laser hair removal. It's permanent, so it won't grow back."

His eyebrows furrowed, but his fingers continued to scrub her sex. When he grazed her clit, she tried to press herself down in search of pleasure.

"Come on. I'm clean enough," she continued her whining.


She reached for his groin, but he evaded her hand.

Frustrated, she splashed him. Vrox blinked droplets away from his lashes but didn't care to splash her.

"You're not going to fight back?"

He shook his head. "Last time I splashed you, you almost drowned. I am afraid that I am a bit heavy-handed."

She laughed, remembering the massive wave that took her down. Vrox was great at many things, but playfighting was not one of them.

She picked up floating petals.

"It's my turn."

She was more than eager to scrub his body clean. It took her a while to cover his chest since he had far more skin than she did. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she squeezed his firm ass and grinned up at him.

Vrox chuckled, finding her antics cute.

"You have a nice butt."

"You have a nice everything," he returned.

She laughed, circling her hands back to his front and moving her attention to his center. She latched onto his cock and began to drive a soapy hand around the endless appendage.

Vrox stared as she worked him, issuing grunts ever so often. When warm precum spilled on her hand, she looked down to examine his gift.

Vrox dove for her, tossing her backward. They were submerged immediately, and she was sure that the clearing sizzled when the cool water mixed with their hot passion.

Kira's senses dulled. Her abilities to see, hear, and smell shutting down as touch took over. Vrox's lips were all she could taste and feel.

Their tongues swam in each other as their limbs swam in the water. At that instant, she could have drowned a happy woman.

Vrox took her up seconds later, not wanting to risk hurting her. She clutched onto his shoulders and stared into his yellow eyes.

"You know, you're my best friend, right?"

He kissed her cheeks.

"I do not know what this is, but I am sure that it is not enough to explain what you are to me."

They embraced like lovesick fools. She was disconnected from the world, only focused on the sound of his heartbeat. She knew that Vrox didn't have that luxury, though. The warrior was always alert, always searching for dangers that could split them apart.

"Do you think Nebula will ever feel like this for Ak?"

Vrox took a minute to respond. "I do not know. Akdronis is a complicated male, and his stubbornness makes it difficult to stand him. While my brothers and I tend to be white instead of black, Ak has always been a shade of grey."

"I wish you could have seen him. He was crazed about Nebula like he would do anything for her. He reminded me of you in that regard."

"I do not know what to tell you, Kira. The only people he has cared for is us. He became distant as we underwent the Scaling because we no longer needed him as a provider. I cannot picture him caring for anyone other than his family."

"Nebula will soften him. I know it."

"I hope she leaves that job for me."

She gave him a confused expression.

"I will soften him with my fists," he grinned.

The First She ✓ (Ezron Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now