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This chapter is 1,700 words+! Enjoy! 😋

"I freaked the fuck out when I first saw him. Everything about him was so stunning and... unapologetic. I didn't understand him, and he didn't understand me. Still, he stuck by me, protecting me from my own shadow. You have no idea how bad it is out there. There is quicksand, plane-sized birds, poisonous plants, and coy predators. If it weren't for Vrox, I would be in something's digestive system right now."

The thought of swimming in teeth and stomach acid made her shudder.

"Vrox is a mercy I don't deserve. I formed terrible assumptions of him, but I couldn't have been any more wrong. He's soft. Not physically, of course," she smiled. "He's tender, protective, and sometimes playful."

The smile on her face was wider than the gap between Earth and whatever planet they were on.

"You've gathered all of this through short, broken conversations?" Nebula asked.

"The big guy is easy to read."

"Well, I'm glad that coming here wasn't a complete loss for you."

Kira gave the other girl a questioning look.

"You've got an alien boyfriend," Nebula elaborated. "You two seem smoldered with each other."

"S–smoldered?" Kira spluttered, quickly rising to her feet to escape Nebula's verdict. Her knees were unprepared for the adrenaline, and she lost balance.

Hands that she was very well acquainted with gripped one of her arms, pulling them to a mattress of a chest. She thudded against Vrox, but there was no stutter in their gaze, which remained locked.

Remembering Nebula, Kira shook his hands off and returned to the floor, hanging her head embarrassedly.

Back on Earth, she had no problems being the center of attention. She was used to standing on stages and facing dozens of flashing cameras, yet here she was, unable to handle the stare of an alien and a woman.

She cleared her throat in an attempt to punch the silence.

"I have no intention of dating an alien. Besides, I've only known him for a few days."

Why do those days feel like years?

"I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry," Nebula offered.

Kira smiled thinly and then started a staring competition with the dirt. She failed at distracting herself from the male that stood behind her, raining his breath down on her, hovering his dick atop her head.

Her thighs clenched.

"Well, thanks for sharing all of that with me. I feel more comfortable being around him. I think it's only fair if I tell you about me," Nebula spoke out.

Kira nodded eagerly, desperate for a distraction.

"I'm twenty-eight. I was just starting my PhD this fall. I'm studying geography. I know a little about engineering since Brandon was always going off on nerdy rants," she chuckled before remembering that she'll never see her brother again.

The light in her eyes faded.

"I'm sorry that you're here," Kira sighed, taking Nebula's hand into her own.

Unlike her, Kira hadn't lost much of her family. Her mother had become an acquaintance a long time ago.

"Brandon was a great engineer. I worked with him at the very beginning when I was working on my translator. He went down his own path and started working on his own."

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