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At Inami-Saito residence, Asami, Hinata along with Nanaka and Ainya stand facing Anju and Shuka. "You are wrong. An-chan is not the culprit," said Shuka. "All the evidences pointed towards Inami-san. The hair is same color, one of your nail sticker that missing from your right hand are at the crime scene. The shoe print on the ground are exactly like the shoes in your posessions," said Nanaka. "But it still doesn't prove that she is the murderer," protested Shuka. "It's okay Shukashuu." Shuka looka at Anju that lowers her head. "Yes, I killed her. I killed Furihata Ai," said Anju. Shuka shocks. "But why An-chan?" asked Shuka. "Because everytime the topic moe came out, she will make me say something so embarassing that I need to hide myself for a few days," said Anju as she cries on the floor. 

Asami walks towards the orange haired girl and handcuff her. "Anju Inami, you are under arrest for killing Ai Furihata. Anything you say will be used against you in the court," said Asami as she brings the culprit away. "Wait!" Asami looks at Hinata. "Before you go, I want to ask. How did you kill Furihata-san? Where did you throw the murder weapon?" asked Hinata. Anju smiles sheepishly. "I back kicked her on her neck," said Anju, causing Nanaka and Ainya to spit their drinks as Hinata jaw dropped. "That was unexpected," said Nanaka as Ainya nods. Asami brings Annu towards the police car.

Hinata looks at Nanaka and Ainya. "Thanks for your help, the case has been solved," said Hinata. "You can trust us to solve any hard cases," said Ainya. Nanaka just smiles

The Murder Case of Furihata AiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ