Look Into My Eyes

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look into my eyes and tell me what you see...

you won't see the girl you see everyday...

you won't see that girl that laughs and smiles...

you won't see that girl you thought you knew...

cause if you looked, and I mean ACTUALLY LOOKED into my eyes...

you would see the girl that crys

the girl that's alone

the girl that's never happy

the girl that can't take it anymore

the girl that cuts

the girl that's weak

the girl that's dead

the girl that doesn't know what It's like... to smile...

because deep deep inside. her heart if full... of bruises and cuts. it isn't her fault. all she did was trust. but trusting can be deadly...

only I can feel my pain...

and boy does it hurt...

but hear I am wiping away the tears...

and putting on a smile...

after all, it's all I got...

another day with my beautiful mask I wear daily...

to cover up the pain deep inside...


the mask covers everything except the eyes...

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