It's Okay To Fake a Smile...

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When things are going bad, and everything seemed to fall...

Just smile...

Because sometimes...

It's better to hide the pain so nobody needs to worry...

It'll go away eventually...


When Things are going okay...


And enjoy it while you can...

Cause the happy things in life don't last forever...

And it's okay...

Nobody will know if it's fake or not...

That's just how life goes...

It's useless to try to change life


Life isn't gonna change...


Why not try to change yourself?

Try to smile more often

Try to enjoy life to the fullest

Try to laugh like it's your last laugh


At least try...

It wouldn't hurt to try now would it?

A fake smile can hide a thousand tears...

A fake smile shows strength

A fake smile can make another person smile

A fake smile can save a life

A fake smile can hide a lie

A fake smile can change everything...

And maybe, just maybe, you'll have a different view of life...

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