Chapter 8: Miss Malcolm

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Peter's perspective

We stayed locked around each other for a few more minutes before we eventually broke apart. I grabbed my backpack from in front of her door to get my web shooters prepped while Anneliesa changed into clothes that wouldn't retrigger her hypothermia. Just as I was slipping the bands over my wrists, her bedroom door opened and she stepped out in Adidas-branded leggings, a grey long sleeve top, and still had her hair down over her shoulders. It didn't take me but two seconds to recount the fact that about 90% of girls are wearing something similar to that nowadays, but for some reason, the way the clothes looked on Anneliesa was unmatched by any of the other females that I had ever seen. I promise I'm not trying to be stalker-y, but I couldn't help but notice all the little things about her.

Her legs were angelic as they carried her body over to a rack of shoes near the door, and her arms moved with pure grace as they selected a pair of brown-ish ankle boots from the plethora of other ones. Her fingers, long and lithe, moved with ease as they did up the small zipper on the side of her shoes, and her back moved from a gentle curve, back into a line of perfect posture as she stood back up and made her way over to me. It was now, after what I dreaded to be several minutes of staring, that all of my senses made it back to home-base to report their findings. I could smell her perfume, light and almost floral as it wafted around her. She looked--dare I say--gorgeous, and her touch was light, even as she nudged me in the shoulder to break me out of my stupor. Raising both of her eyebrows at me in question as she pulled her hair out of the collar of a coat she had put on, she got to watch me try to fervently recover and make an even larger fool of myself, if that's even humanly possible.

Laughing a sound that easily could have been descended from the heavens, she tilted her head to the side, in the direction of her door, and held up a set of keys, adorned with a large rose-colored tag. She turned on her heel and began to walk in the direction of said door, sparing me from having to stumble over any hashed-out explanation to my staring that I would be able to come up with in the the few spare seconds I had. Seeing no other choice but to follow her, I did just that and she closed and locked the door behind me once I made my way out onto the hallway. Leading me down a double flight of stairs, we both checked to do a last-minute cover up of any exposed skin before we stepped out into the unforgiving wasteland that was Queens' winter.

Following Anneliesa blindly, she led us down a path that I would have never even considered. After crossing over onto 150th street, she had us cut directly behind the Hillcrest Tower by cutting up and over the cement block walls that lined the side of the street. Standing at the very foot of the building, I was able to realize how absolutely massive this thing was. Craning my neck back so far that it was getting a little uncomfortable, I was just able to make out a slight ledge that I could only assume was the one Anneliesa had been sitting on the night before. The thought of being up there made my head reel for the shortest of seconds.

" How do you want to get up there, Peter?" My neck creaked in indignation as I brought it down to a more normal level so I could look at Anneliesa. She looked almost bored as she stared up at what was arguably one of the fanciest buildings around for a few good miles. Her reaction was strange to say the least, but I figured there had to be some sort of reasoning behind it, and I let it be.

"I would say just web up there, but since I'm assuming you would like to go up too, I don't know how safe it will be for me to try to carry you while I'm climbing up. Getting back down is relatively easy with another person, but scaling a building is really hard without one of my arms. We couldbe lame and just take the elevator, but I'd have to imagine the security in that place is ridiculous." I kept weighing the pros and cons of each choice in my head while I awaited her input, and even as she was talking, I kept thinking it through.

I Can't Make You Love Me || Peter Parker x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang