Chapter 20: Farewells Are Far From the End

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Anneliesa's perspective

Waking with the euphoria of my dreams still lingering on my tongue is a feeling I desperately hope I can feel again. Not only did I have the memory of Peter, I had Peter himself with me still. My next goal for myself was to quite literally make my dreams a reality, and have him in everyway possible.

I was only provided with a few minutes to get myself in order before Peter started to wake up too. He was still holding me as close as he was when we fell asleep, if not closer. Trying not to make a big deal of it or call much attention to the whole situation, I stayed quiet in hopes of preserving this precious moment. But he woke up soon after, and the whole thing was ruined. Against my deepest desires, I went with my better judgment and had moved myself into a more appropriate orientation, so at least I didn't need to come up with a way to cover for...things.

Having the privilege of him still being with me was one that I was fully aware of, and extremely grateful for. But now it was coming back to bite me as a curse. Facing someone, and more importantly having to exist around them, after having a 'dream' about them is no easy feat, as I've learned in the last 5 minutes that we've both been awake. My love for him was going to prevail however, and I would make the most of my situation.

"Mh, good morning" After allowing all of the muscles on his body to be extended out, Peter sat up fully. "Were you able to get any sleep?"

The shirt that I had leant him looked amazing on his frame, and the definition in his arms stood out like pop-art when he ran a hand through his messy curls. Lord, he looks so cute when he's all domestic like this.

"I was, yeah. Thank you for staying with me. I know I was being a little dramatic about it last night, but I do really appreciate it."

"Oh yeah, no problem. Your bed is ridiculously comfortable, so it's not like I'm suffering at all"

Peter looked like he was debating on whether or not to lay back down, and I had previously considered sitting up like him. We danced an awkward waltz of moving ourselves by mere inches for an inordinate amount of time. Finishing up by laughing at each other, I eventually sat up too and settled our little debate.

"I'm sorry, that was so lame." I spoke around gasps as we were both still in the throws of laughter.

"It was, but so was I, so it's all good. We can be lame together" His smile was so innocent.

Being lame wasn't inharently at the top of my list of things I wanted us to be and do together, but none of the top 5 were as innocent as that. At this point though, I'll take whatever I can get.

"Ugh, I need to shower." I flopped back down on the bed dramatically as I complained.

Peter laughed and turned his head to look back at me. "Well how about you do that, and I'll get breakfast started. What do you want?"

Thanking Peter and telling him that I didn't have a preference, I rolled myself out of bed, and walked into my bathroom and turned on the light. Within a few minutes, the water was running and my change of clothes was draped over the towel rack. Stepping under the water was sobering and it felt amazing to me.

I closed my eyes as I rinsed out my shampoo, and I kept them shut for a long bit of time, just standing under the water and letting the warmth seep into me. I'd be lying if I didn't admit to doing this every time I showered.

Not but 5 minutes later, I was dressed and back in the kitchen, allowing my damp hair to dry. I found Peter standing at the countertop, an open bag of bread and an assortment of things splayed out in front of him. Sneaking up behind him, I draped my arms around his shoulders and hugged him. The fates were on my side with this, because he had just set down the butterknife we was using. Had he not just disarmed himself, I probably would have just gotten myself shanked with a kitchen utensil since he jumped reflexively and flailed his arms around haphazardly.

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