Chapter 41: New Beginnings

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June 26, 2018

Tony's Perspective

Words can't describe the elation that I felt as I held Morgan in my arms. She was absolutely gorgeous in every way, and as perfect as we could have hoped for. Pepper was resting in our bed, worn to the bone after a grueling 14 hours of labor to bring our daughter into the world, and I lay next to her, cradling my baby in my arms as the two most important girls in my life slept soundly.

Confirming what we've been speculating since her deletion from Pepper's body, there was no sign of Avery; the only abnormalities being a small buildup of extra placental tissues on Morgan's embryonic sack. Receiving that information was very bittersweet for me. It was obviously a relief that there was nothing wrong with Pepper, and according to the fertility doctor that we hired on, she shouldn't have issues conceiving again if we decided to have more kids. But at the same time, the finality that Avery was really gone and there was nothing we could do was hard to deal with.

We've developed endless quantities of love for each of our babies over the last 9 months, so having to abandon all hopes of ever meeting Avery in person was emotionally and mentally taxing for both of us. Well, at least for me. As soon as Morgan's health was confirmed to be good and she got to hold her for the first time, Pepper passed out from exhaustion, leading to where we are now.

All in all, the day was wonderful, there was just one thing missing that left a sore spot in my heart: Peter. He wasn't here to meet his sister, and I don't know if he ever will be here again. I don't think there's going to be a day for the rest of my life that I won't miss my son, but finally having my daughter here was a good distraction.

From the moment that Pepper told me she was pregnant, I knew my life was never going to be the same again. I would have more responsibilities than ever, and I would have a whole life that depended entirely on me. To put it lightly, I was scared--mortified, even--but now I realise how foolish all of that was.

Peter or no Peter, Avery or no Avery, this person--this tiny bundle of life, purpose, and pure energy-- was my entire world now, and I would protect her by any means.

Squirming about suddenly in my arms, I was only able to look at Morgan's peacefully sleeping face for a fraction of a second before it contorted angrily and silent sobs left her. As Pepper was attempting to sleep next to me, I was very thankful that she hadn't started wailing like she had upon being born, but something soul-deep and paternal stirred within me at the sight of my child so visibly upset.

Looking around frantically in search of something that could soothe her, I came up empty-handed. It wasn't worth it in the slightest to wake Pepper up if she was hungry, but I also had not even the first idea as to what could be done for Morgan. There was a pacifier on a table nearby, but I feared that shifting even a single muscle would take the situation from bad to much, much worse.

With a single, unfortunate, cry, Morgan ruptured both the silence of the room and my heart in the same second. Like an idiot, the shrill sound made me flinch heavily, which only served to make her cry more. Great. For now, Pepper was still resting next to me, but it was only a matter of time before that peace would be ruined by our screaming bundle of joy too.

Biting the metaphorical bullet, I stretched myself out to the absolute maximum, just barely managing to grab one of the pacifiers off of the nightstand without letting it fall to the ground, grunting in satisfaction when I did so successfully. As her mouth gaped with another noise of complaint over the world she had just been born into a few hours ago, I gently eased the silicone nipple into Morgan's mouth, praying to every higher power that it would at the very least muffle her noises so Pepper could continue getting the rest she deserved.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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