Chapter 19: I'm the Main Attraction

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⚠️Content Warning ⚠️

'Wet' dreams/smut, anatomical descriptions and crude language involving acts of sex. Explicit content is written in Italics and can be skipped if necessary.

Anneliesa's perspective

Waking up on the couch as a kid always felt just a little bit off, like being in some sort of alternate dimension. Or falling asleep in the car, and waking up in your bed with no recollection of how it happened.

If you've ever experienced something like that, you can probably imagine the state of confusion I was in when I woke up completely alone, with nothing but the eery purple light of my Roku's standby screen. Peter was next to me when I fell asleep, I know he was. But now I don't know where he is.

Pulling the blanket off of my body, I slowly raised myself off of the couch, and began to walk around my apartment in search of my missing...person. The digital clock above the stove read that it was 2:10 am, and the curtain of black that I saw when I looked out at the sky through my window supported that. Besides myself, there was no one else in the kitchen, nor in my bedroom or bathroom. That's when I really started to worry. I have no way of knowing when I fell asleep, so I can't say for how long I was under, but the most glaring issue was that Peter was gone, not for how long that was so.

Some part of me knew that he couldn't have possibly abandoned me, but the panic I was feeling vastly overshadowed it. He told me he would stay at least another day, he can't be gone already. I love him too much to have him leave me. Peter has to love me too, why wouldn't he? Am I not trying hard enough? I thought the kiss was pretty obvious, and I feel myself get more and more desire for him every time I look at him. How could he not be experiencing the same thing, I know we are meant for each other?

"Peter? Peter where are you?" I started pacing around, double, triple, and quadruple-checking every area that he could have possibly gone to.

"Peter?!" I was whisper-shouting for him now. I didn't want to wake up any of my neighbors, but tears were threatening to spill over from my eyes as they burned and ripped their way through me. God, I hate crying. "P-Please, this isn't funny. You're really scaring me, where are you? Peter Parker!"

Droplets of water hit my collar bones as the tears finally fell. My vision kept switching back and forth between being distorted beyond recognition and being perfectly clear as wave after wave of liquid-emotion fell out of my eyes. Along with them, a burning-hot feeling of shame and crushing anxiety made was making it progressively more and more difficult to breathe. My body autonomously found itself seated in a kitchen chair, and my knees curled tighter into my body, allowing my pyjama sweatpants to absorb the tears rather than my own skin.

Through my silent sobs, I heard something else sound in the room. It was a faint tapping sound, but nothing around me would make sense to be making that sound. Pulling my head off of my knees to look around, nothing in the kitchen or my bedroom looked out of sorts. But then I turned around and my heart stopped beating for a short period of time. In my window, I saw the shadow of something moving above it, moving in a way that was too human-like to make me feel comfortable. Then all of that was blown out of the water when a face popped up at the top of the window, upside-down.

But this wasn't any face. It was Peter's face, and he looked slightly concerned as my red-eyed and visibly upset self came over to open the window for him. His mask was not on his face, but rather in his hand, and he set it down on a small end table near the window as he effortlessly climbed back into my apartment. Goosebumps were erected out of my exposed skin as the spaghetti-strap tank top I was wearing provided little to no barrier against the cold. Once I knew for sure that he was standing up fine and wasn't visibly injured, I flung my arms around him and buried my face into his neck, not caring if I got the collar of his suit wet with my tears. Peter was safe, he was back, and he was with me. And now I was gonna make sure he was never going to leave me like that again.

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