Chapter 17: Vantage Point

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A/N: first off, thank you all so much for reading this. I know this is really cliché to say, but I really didn't expect this story to get as much attention as it has, and I would like to share my undying love for all of you.

Now with that out of the way, I must get kinda serious for a second. The rest of this storyline, or at least what I have planned for it, is not exactly conventional. There will be darker themes and actions, and some chapters as a whole will be worse than others. Out of respect for all of my viewers, I'll put content warnings above any chapters that I think may be concerning. Thank you all so very much!

~AJ/ Half-blood6

⚠️Content Warning ⚠️

Sexual thoughts and suggestive actions

Anneliesa's perspective

Peter knew that there was something deeper going on here, he had to. His gazes were too pointed, and the timing in which we were apart from each other, times that I despised as a whole, were too convenient for him to not get answers. My eyes raked over his body, taking in his posture, which was mostly relaxed, his clothes, which were actually mine, and the defined muscles that made my knees weak as they pressed against the fabric of the clothes draped over his body.

After having a slight delay with wanting to transfix slightly south, my eyes came to rest on the front pocket of Peter's A.D. sweatshirt. There was a shapeless lump there, but the small slivers of red and something metallic were giving me enough clues to put together what it might be.

"It's my mask, I just didn't want to put it on quite yet" Peter explained, eyes locked onto mine and following my gaze down his body. What I could see of his face was dusted with a healthy blush.

No super audible response came from me, but my mouth pulled into a small 'o' shape and a breathy gasp sort of thing came out as a result. Peter just nodded awkwardly at me, and motioned towards the front door, apparently rather eager to get going.

I allowed myself to just be content with the fact that he, much like myself, just wanted to get out of the apartment, but then I made the mistake of allowing myself to think things through, and that's when the self-destructive theories started to take shape. What if Peter didn't want to just be in a different environment, what if he wanted to be out in his full suit so he could try to get away from me easier?!

Like he's told me before, he has that advanced AI system in all of his tech stuff. I didn't even think about that stupid freaking computer! She's got to know that somethings wrong with his phone, and she would have told Peter without a doubt once she realized. God, I'm so screwed! How could I be so stupid as to not think about that?

Right now, I felt so sick to my stomach with nerves that above all else in the world, I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry, beating myself up for doing something so evil to someone that I love so much. But then a thought struck me, and thinking about it allowed me to seal back my tears. Going against my wishes and going outside with Peter could potentially solve a lot of my current issues.

Without a doubt, Peter's going to have a lot of questions for me about his phone. If I can just keep my act of ignorance up, then hopefully any suspicious he has about me will go away. While we're out, I can also try everything in my power to get Peter to fall more in love with me. Maybe if I'm lucky enough with that, I'll be able to see what Peter looks like when he's not wearing any clothes, not just my own that I've allowed him to borrow. Tingles spread all over my body as I allowed more thoughts like that to absorb into me, and my nerves started smoldering beneath my skin. Walking to get dressed for going out caused a delicious sort of friction to spark near the apex of my thighs that made me curl my fingers and dig my nails into my palms to calm myself. The things I was thinking about Peter weren't right at all, but the way they made me feel was so good that I found myself unable to care. I just wanted Peter, and I wanted all of him.

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