Fall of 1962

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Dear journal, It's been 2 years Sense my mom picked me up I stated going to public school and life has been pretty good. I am apart of a few clubs at my school. I have been offered a scholar ship to one of the finest schools in our town, I feel like my life is finally turning up for the better.

8 Am 

The white halls shinning, as charlotte walks through the almost empty school halls.she looks up, walking towards my locker. I look at the purple lock shimmering in the morning light. I switch my lock left right left I think. All the sudden William is standing in front of me. stumbling back almost falling. "I told you not to sneak up on me like that! I exclaim". knowing my face is showing I'm angry I try to quickly recompose myself. William lets out a small chuckle, "your too easy charlotte" !  

Slamming my locker shut, I swiftly make my way to Mrs. Peony's room. "turn to page 250 class" I Hear Mrs. Peony explain. A wind rushes through my hear through the window, chills trickle up my spine. A figure is standing out side the window. A man with a peculiar smile, My body goes cold. "It's the man the one I fear"...  

My...... father 

him wickedly smiling ,I turn away hoping he doesn't see me ,but when I turn  back around... he's gone. "Maybe I'm just seeing things".    


The bell rings, the words Phillip said were ringing through my head. I knew I Needed to talk to Phillip to see if I was really going insane.

Mean while 

A shuffle of boots approach Charlottes house, a tall man walks into the house, making his way up the stairs. The man lets out a breath running his figure tips across the desk the man parts his mouth. "charlotte you disobeyed, you filthy child". muttering to him self the man says. His big brown boots clunking up the stairs, the man traces his finger tips over the purple decoration spelling out Charlottes name. 

Making his way to charlottes bed, "oh Charlotte my dear I miss you". Pulling up the purple pillow bringing it up to his nose, he inhales. "Charlotte, My beautiful charlotte, I will find you my dear. 

"you'll see my beautiful present when you get home". 


4:00 pm

Charlotte walks along the long narrow road. "I'm almost home" I mutter to myself, as the Wind blows through my long locks. Reaching the dark gravel footsteps of my house, a note glycans with a dark maroon stamp sealing it. its... addressed to me. My brain wonders trying to figure out who it could be. Slowly pealing open the beautifully wrapped letter, I started to read. it read 

Dear, my love

I have been watching you for some time.

I miss the nights we had together... I miss smelling your hair

The touch of your skin, the way you taste...

If only we could be together again. I'll be watching you love.

From: R

This passage sent chills through out my body. But... some part of me wanted to know who this man was. What did he want from me? ... Was it the Master? Was it someone I knew in the past but couldn't remember?

One thing I knew for sure I wanted to stop them.

HEY GUYS! It's me I have really enjoyed making this story and I can't wait to make more of this story. I think I will be making 20 parts to this  story. also tell me in the comments what you think is gonna happen next I love feed back haha! anyways thank you!

 for reading this far into my book obsession and hope you all have a amazing day!

- Broken sogni <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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