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May 4 2005

"Wade honey lunch is ready. " Sindy Coltrane Mitchell called to her step son from the kitchen.

Wade's focus was still fixated on his play station game as he madly punched the buttons on the control determined to complete his mission in extinguishing his enemy.

"Mom! Mom did you see my hockey stick? " Brett Coltrane asked as he thundered down the stairs and darted for the kitchen.

Wade completed his mission and triumphantly tossed the control aside. He then got up with one swift move, the clock on the wall showed that it was 3pm it was time for him to go for his football practice.

"Wade? " Sindy called again from the kitchen.

Wade grabbed his backpack and darted to the kitchen.

Sindy noticed that Wade had not taken note of his lunch yet she prepared his favourite, ham and lettuce sandwich with a dash of pickles.

"Wade love I made your fave-"

Sindy was cut off by Wade's abrupt half-hearted reply, "Thanks but I'm meeting a friend for lunch and going for football practice. "

Sindy could feel disappointment and shock succumb her. Wade was the best step-son ever in fact their relationship was as equivalent to being a typical mother and son relationship although lately Sindy had been noticing a change in the boy's behaviour especially towards her in the past five months. Wade had become hostile and more private and quiet sarcastic in his replies he had also stopped opening up to her asking for advice or making general conversation. He was always nested in his room he seldom went hockey playing or ball throwing with Brett lately as well.

Sindy recalled when the changes in the mood occurred.

"Wade, love can I come in to leave your laundry I'm sorry I didn't do it earlier when you were at school...had an errand to run for dad..."

Sindy waited patiently for Wade to summon her in or at least reply opening the door with a smile rolling his eyes at the same time and then diving onto his bed while Sindy got to work packing his clothes in the rightful places as they blossomed into a conversation ,however today, was not that at all.

Sindy frowned puzzled so called again in a chirpy tone "Wadey are you-"

Suddenly the door flung open and there stood a fuming Wade his grey boyish eyes stared back at her in evil slits and his lips were twisted in an angry gesture. All Sindy done was stare back in surprise.

"Go away! " Wade bellowed and shut the door in Sindy's face thereafter.

Sindy was astounded she felt as if Wade had given her a slap across the cheek. She felt tears visit her eyes and there after tumble down her cheeks as she turned and went to her room where she wept silently.

Of course Sindy had not thought anything bad of Wade she loved the boy dearly and had not even addressed the incident to Martin besides she had a teenage boy of her own it was simply puberty. Teenage moods.

"Yo dude I thought you coming to the hockey game." Brett said.

Wade hesitated then replied, "Perhaps after..."

Brett nodded then grabbed his gear, "later mom. " he said then hugged his mother and left.

"Bye sweetie. "

Wade rolled his eyes as he headed for the door and Sindy automatically spoke.

"Wade, are you ok? " Sindy asked concerned.

Wade shrugged looking annoyed nevertheless Sindy did not bother she needed to get to the bottom of Wade behaving in such a peculiar manner besides it might be something drastic. What if he was in some kind of trouble or maybe had a problem?

"I'm fine Sindy I will be back before dinner." Wade replied half-hearted as he opened the door.

"Wait..." Sindy quickly pressed.

"What now? "Wade snapped.

Sindy hesitated and felt hurt at Wade's once again rude response.

"Who are you going to meet? " Sindy asked.

Wade glared at Sindy, "That's non of your business Sindy. " he muttered.

Sindy felt her knees go weak as if she got a hard blow in her stomach. Wade was never so rude to her it was as if he was getting worse as the days passed it was like he was beginning to resent her more and more. He was beginning to hate her.

no Sindy, not your Wadey he is still that same sweet boy that you had met when he was five, the one that had made you Mother's Day cards and had bought you flowers on your birthdays. Stop over analysing things, his probably just going through puberty like how when girls PMS. Right? Besides you treat him equally to Brett so there isn't a reason there as well.

Sindy pulled herself together then spoke, "Ok I'm sorry I'm just concerned that's all. "

Wade let out a dramatic fake laugh which sent chills down Sindy's spine then spoke harshly, "I don't need your concern Sindy in fact I don't need anything from you, you might be my father's wife but you are certainly not my mother!"

Wade turned and stormed out the house leaving Sindy crying.

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