CHAPTER 15 part 1

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"We traced the call it came from Spaid Dave Millington." Norton announced.

"What? Spaid-my driver, Millington?" Martin asked devastated.

It was a little after midnight and Norton called Martin straight after he received the results of who made the call and where.

"Yes Mr. Mitchell we have picked up that the mobile belonged to him. The men are gone out to search the area where the call came from. We will be heading to Millington's place as well." Norton replied.

"What is he saying?" Sindy asked anxiously.

"I know where Millington stays his renting one of Peter's apartments- it's on Herrington Road. I am on my way there." Martin said.

"Mr. Mitchell I suggest you don't since things might turn ugly and we don't want innocent people getting hurt." Norton objected.

Martin frowned, "I'm hurt enough. I will be there shortly." Martin replied.

"Mr. Mitchell for the sake of your son's please stay where you are and let us do the work. Mr. Millington's house is part of the crime scene since we now traced that he is there due to another call which was unfortunately blank." Norton said.

"What do you mean blank?" Martin asked.

"We detected that he tried to call Mrs. Mitchell however cut the call. It was sort of a missed call." Norton explained.

"Sindy check your mobile quick Millington might have called." Martin ordered.

Sindy looked at Martin startled.

"Go now." Martin ordered.

Sindy dashed to the kitchen where her phone was left to charge. She grabbed it and saw that she had missed a call. She dashed back to Martin and handed him the mobile. Martin grabbed it and studied the number.

"It ends with 555 the same number Millington called me on." Martin confirmed.

"Ok, Mr. Mitchell. Please inform us immediately if Millington makes contact with you or Mrs. Mitchell in any way or form." Norton replied then cut the call.

"What's going on Martin? Who is Millington?" Sindy asked eagerly.

Martin flopped on the nearby sofa feeling drained, "His one of my employees. He is one of the drivers for the company."

"My God." Sindy gasped.

Martin thought for a minute then said, "I need to call Peter and inform him that he has a kidnapper as one of his tenants."

"I'll call Cathy and tell her be careful." Sindy replied then darted back to the kitchen.

Martin instantly dialled Peter unfortunately he did not answer so Martin decided to leave a voice message.

"Peter it's Martin. Millington is the kidnapper...the police are at his place. Call me."

Martin sighed he could not believe that Millington could do such a hideous thing. He was beginning to take a liking to the man and felt disappointed. Martin knew that all of this had to do with money.

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