CHAPTER 12 part 1

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So the Coltrane boy had been kidnapped as it said so on the news. Piece of cake and a toast to whoever done it. Now that just made his job much more easier. No one would suspect that he would be the one when he does a kidnapping of his own, he was after the Mitchell boy of course. He used the tactic of mentioning the boy's biological mother Lauren thinking that it would strike an interest to the boy and lure the boy to him however the boy was not 'biting the bait' he was stiff as a metal rod and for some reason resented his mother, might as well resort to the old fashioned way, attack and move, he thought. He had big plans, holding the boy for ransom and milking Martin Mitchell for a good sum of money.

He laughed dramatically as he popped nut after nut into his mouth as he watched the devastated husband and weeping wife on the news.

Mitchell is all bulk, brave and powerful in the company now look, he looks feeble and helpless like a fly trapped in a spider's web, he thought amused. He sat back on his chair and placed his one leg over the other on the table and continued watching. He took a swig of beer once the bottle was empty he tossed it aside carelessly. It fell on the wooden floor and rolled under the bed. He needed to get the Mitchell boy soon, as soon as tonight while everyone was still vulnerable also so that he could ricochet the blame on the person who stole the Coltrane boy.

He needed to think of an idea and fast. Tonight he needed Mitchell's 'precious' son in his grasp and after he got his money he would eliminate the boy.

Leaving Martin penniless and heart broken. Hell on earth Mitchell hell on earth.

He burst out laughing and then continued throwing nut after nut in his open mouth.

Night had approached. Tonight was the worst night ever for Brett. He could not believe that he had been kidnapped by a mad woman claiming him to be her son and who held him hostage in what was suppose to look like a nursery with a dead infant in a cot. Brett felt sickened to the pit of his stomach at the thought of the dead shrivelled up baby trapped in the same room with him. How long was the baby dead for? Who's baby was it? Did the baby belong to the woman? Did she kill the baby, remove the bowels and preserve it?

Is she going to do the same to me?, Brett wondered horrified.

Brett sat huddled in the corner near the teddy bear. He had no idea where the woman was all he heard was the howling wind from the outside and nothing else no footsteps or anyone else breathing. His lungs ached for fresh air he felt infected by the dead and dirty smell. She left him a sandwich and bottled water on the chest of drawers however he could not eat a morsel the thought of a dead human in the same room with him killed his appetite. He could not live like this forever. He needed to escape. He slowly brought himself to his feet and looked around him. There was not much in the room except for a wooden cot, chest of drawers that only had baby clothes, three frameless pictures a little chair with a teddy bear and a dead baby. The window was sealed and the sandwich was on a plastic plate.

Brett looked at the little wooden chair, I guess I could use that to hit her with it is a risk but worth a try, he thought.

Brett moved the bear and picked up the wooden chair it looked like a suitable weapon.

If I position myself behind the door and when she walks in I can jump out and hit her with it, Brett thought with an ounce of hope.

He just had to wait for the perfect time a time where she would not expect him to do something like this. He needed to gain more trust from her. She probably knew that he was vulnerable right now and will try any stunt to escape.

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