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Three weeks had passed since Cheryl's death. The Mitchell family were beginning to heal from all the trauma that they had experienced.

Wade was his old self again living his teenage life. He kept contact with Spaid who was now a proud father to one week old Cyrus and a husband to Loni. All was good on his side. Sindy still kept in contact with Cathy and they were still best friends promising each other to meet up on Christmas. Cathy and her children were now staying in France and built a life there. She was currently dating a French man named Franco and was enjoying life.

Peter was imprisoned for twenty- five years for kidnapping and murder.

Merese was content and happy with her life and as for Sandra she was a success herself devoting her life to God and time to Sunday church school.

Francis accepted what was and what is and visited Cheryl's grave every year on her birthday with a bouquet of white Lilly's. Sandra was still left in the dark about Cheryl being her half-sister and Francis along with Merese decided to leave it like so for a while.

As for baby Wallis he was discovered by Norton in a run down apartment not far from the hospital. Apparently Cheryl could not live with the fact that her baby had died, one night she went to the cemetery and dug out the coffin from the grave thereafter she preserved the infant. When Norton along with two officers went to the grave sight they had discovered that the infant was not there. Francis had offered to bury the child along with Cheryl in one grave.

Brett still had nightmares about Cheryl and fear of being out hence Sindy and Martin decided to take him to a psychologist to help him heal. He was healthy again however removed eating meat from his diet and was strictly vegetarian due to his trauma.

Sindy and Martin were glad to have their sons back and thanked everyone for their assistance.

Life was pretty much back to normal in Palm Ridge, as for Mitchell&McDoogle Construction it was now changed to Mitchell's WBS (Wade, Brett, Sindy) Construction. Martin had handed Cathy whatever was left of Peter's profits.

Mary was content with her life, she was glad that trusting her instincts had helped her family and today was her seventy-fifth birthday. Mary was glad to celebrate it with her family and friends.

"Happy birthday Mary!" Everyone wished Mary together.

Mary smiled as she cut the vanilla cake that was propped in front of her.

Sindy took a piece of cake and fed it to Mary. Mary took a bite and everyone cheered along with clapping.

Mary appreciated her little party that was held outside Martin's home in the beautiful tea garden.

"Happy birthday love and hope that you have many more to enjoy." Phyllis gushed as she gave Mary a hug then moved aside so the rest could wish Mary.

"Happy birthday day Mary this is a ticket for you to watch the opera next week Tuesday." Martin said handing Mary a white envelope and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Oh Martin you such a doll, thank you." Mary said gratuitously.

"Happy birthday grandma." Brett and Wade said together.

Mary hugged the boys affectionately, "Thank you my darling babies."

Wade and Brett then disappeared.

Mary got up and decided to take a walk. Everyone was laughing and chatting away. Mary smiled to herself appreciating all the loved ones in her life, I miss you dearly Teddy, she thought as she watched two birds play with each other and then fly away together.

"Now why is the birthday girl standing all alone?" Phyllis asked dramatically as she walked towards Mary with two glasses of dry white wine.

Mary laughed as she took one of the glasses that Phyllis had handed her.

"Hope you enjoying your day Mary." Phyllis said eyeing Mary questioning.

Mary smiled, "I most certainly am. I'm still taking it all. What a lovely birthday."

Phyllis smiled however noticed the troubled expression still lingering in Mary's cheerful expression.

"Are you still dealing with the whole episode of that Cheryl girl?" Phyllis asked curiously.

Mary sighed and Phyllis bit her bottom lip regrettably in mentioning the past.

"I'm sorry Mary." Phyllis apologized.

Mary shrugged then said, "All those demons can't hurt my family again Phyllis. Peter McDoogle is behind bars and Cheryl Carter is dead. I needn't say more."

Phyllis smiled content with Mary's reply, "A toast," she said raising her glass, "To a bright future."

Mary smiled as she tipped her glass against Phyllis's glass, "To a bright future."

Mary and Phyllis sipped the wine and watched as the sun began to disappear behind a massive cloud.

"Mary! Mary where are you?" Sindy called.

"Let us go Mary the party is not over." Phyllis said enthusiastically.

Mary laughed as she followed Phyllis to the hosting area.

"It's snap time." Sindy announced excitedly as she held the digital camera.

"Us first grandma." Wade said as he and Brett stood either side of Mary.

Mary placed her hands on both the boy's shoulders and smiled meaningfully.

In life nothing was certain however one thing was certain to Mary, her family meant the world to her.


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