10 year old emilly

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My mum picked me up after school and told me I have another photo shoot and we went home and I got changed I took a pull up and put my clothes on and went to the car we drove for a hour and we got to the photo shoot place. I went in my private dressing room and I got given the clothes they were clothes for 7 year old that I could just fit in their was a pair of shorts that were baggy at the bottom and a T-shirt with a unicorn on the front. I got dressed and started to to do some poses after 30 hour I had to pee and decided to go and a hour later we were done I got back to the car and we drove home.

Lilly (mother) :
I got a call from the photo shoot company and they said if my child had a problem with her bladder or if something was wrong with her that she has to were pull ups that were wet I was confused and told them no and to send her the photo because she doesn't need pull ups I got the email on my phone and it says otherwise she is wearing a pull up and it is wet the company says just work things out but we still wanna work with her


I run up crying and lie down on her bed as she comes up with a pampers size 5 that were from the Attic and baby powder n wipes. She tears of my pull up and it really hurt as she starts to wipe my but and vagina she slides the diaper on and applies baby powder and taped it up.

WAIT TILL YOUR FATHER FIND OUT ABOUT THIS. Emily runs of to her room. I sit their confused why she is being like this is it cause something I did or me and her father getting in fights and all theses questions fly around my head. Emily I shout as she enters my room. Why are you wearing diapers I ask

Ever since I was 7 and you put me in those diapers i always liked them and kept a lot of them I like they way they feel and are sold and make all my worries fade away.

I have 2 options for you either A: you wear diapers and I change you and you do what I say and you will show everybody your diaper if we have guests and you wear them to school and have to pee in them. Or option B: you never wear them ever again and we will pretend this never happened.

Option A I say as I walk out the room and go to my room and do my homework I forgot to do. I have a urge to pee and do it in my diaper or I would get told if I run to my mum and ask to get changed.

I kind of miss having my little baby even if she is 10 you could mistake her as a little 5 year old that isn't fully potty trained. I grab her hand and take her to my room and grab another pamper size 5 and un tape the diaper and clean her up and place a tape the diaper on her. Okay for the rest of the day you are only allowed to wear a T-shirt and your diaper and your dad will be home and we will have to talk about it so come with me and let's eat dinner.

I follow my mum in just a diaper and t shirt she takes us up the the table were I see a little booster seat I ask why is that their she just says you aren't that tall and since you are wearing a diaper you would suit being in a booster seat as we eat. I eat all my spaghetti and my mum unstraps me and takes me down. My dad comes home a hour later confused why am I in a diaper.

So Emily is wearing a diaper because she likes them and their are rules if she is wearing diapers she has to wear them to school and allow guests to see them and she want do what we tell her and she must pee in the diapers and can't change herself.

Hmm I never knew how it would fell to have my little girl again as she always was daddy's little girl.
Alright let's see what happens.

I go to bed around 10 and fall asleep and have a dream about being in preschool and am wearing a diaper and have to pee and pee my self until I realise I was dreaming and wake up to a shock that I actually peed my self I don't want to wake up my parents and wait till morning as the warm pee makes me feel comfortable and doze of to sleep again I wake up forgetting what I'm wearing it's a Saturday so my parents are not at work I walk downstairs to find my dad sipping on some tea as he says good morning little wet baby my mind starts to process what he said as I realise I'm in a wet diaper he picks me up as if I'm a helpless toddler as he places me on his hip and carries me upstairs and changes my diaper he says from now on you call me daddy and your mum mummy I never knew how nice it felt to have someone else change me as he puts me down and takes me downstairs he says mummy's gonna be home in a hour after that wet are going out for breakfast.

Hour later

Mum comes home with a lot of bags my mum sets them down as she takes me upstairs and puts a skirt and a Hoodie on me so she can check if I peed my self she takes me down and lifts me in the car to what I see is a baby car seat she buckles me in and my dad starts To drive to a restaurant we get booked in as a paddy says would you like a high chair madam as she says yes she takes up to where we would be sitting my mum and dad sit down ass I was about to sit next to my dad a worker lifts me up and sets me in the high chair while strapping me in what a cute little toddler you have mam as she looks to my mum she hands my mum the kids menu and 2 normal menus one for my mum and one for my dad.
My mum selects a hash brown and a orange juice as she hands the worker a sippy cup and a regular English breakfast and my dad asks for the same we wait approximately 20 minutes as a waiter hand us the food I see my drink is in a silly cut a bit confused of how to use it but eventually get their we eat our food and exit the place and head to the car I get put in the car and we drive of as my mum bucked me in.
After 10 min drive I start to need to go toilet I ask my dad but he says we have 20 minutes left as he drives I need to poop though my mum just says baby use your diaper like normal baby's or you will have to go with option b. I start to fidget as a warm flow of pee fills my diaper and push as hard as I can as poop fills my diaper the poop squished as we hit a speed bumps on the last road to my house. We arrive a minute latter and my mum lets me out and takes me home she takes me to the bathroom we're their is a cabinet and a bit of padding on top of the cabinet. She placed me on it while opening a draw and grabbing a pamper size 6 packet and ripping it open to get one out while grabbing other supplies. Sheathes of my skirt and un tapes it while saying smelly little baby as she wipes from my vagina down to my bit with a cold wipe she used 3 wipes before sliding the new diaper under my but and applying powder and rubbing it in before taping the diaper the size six fit me perfectly. After getting changed I walk into my room as I go lie on my bed and realise my head board is missing as a voice says gate close as 4 gates automatically closing up really slowly just above my head I try get out but it won't let me and scream for help until my mum enters saying looks like my baby's found out about her crib she clicks something that I couldn't see where it was as a voice says bars down. And the bars slowly go down and my mum grabs me and puts me on her hip while taking me downstairs and letting me watch tv.

Writers note thanks for reading will upload every week or twice a week hope you enjoy and leave comments about what I should add such as ideas and tell em if your enjoining it so I can't upload more

Emily diaper Where stories live. Discover now