Grammies house

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We eat Grammies famous cooked turkey after I eat dinner and watch tv and eat eat hot coco after a hour I was put in the crib and was not happy about it. Mum put the mobile on and put a pacifier in my mouth and I slowly doze of to sleep. I wake up the next daw waiting to be realised from the crib like a toddler in a wet diaper daddy comes in to change me and puts a new diaper on me and puts a short sunflower dress on me we eat breakfast and go shopping. We get to the town and I get out and my mum puts me in a stroller it was embarrassing enough to be in a stroller to Grammies house but being pushed around and hundreds of people seeing me like a helpless baby was way worse. We go into a Asda and mummy goes to the baby section to get diapers wipes and powder and do the usual shopping 
Such ass food clothing makeup shoes sweets. We finish shopping and I'm helped in my car seat and wet my self now I never know if I need too pee it just happens but I know when I have to poop. Dad drives us back to Grammies and eat lunch.

Emily diaper Where stories live. Discover now