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Kian and Jordan grow smaller the further the cart moved up the thick wires, they stood there for a minute talking before moving out of sight. The path leading up the hill side was visible from the cart. It's was small and covered with trees. It was hard to make out the steps, the receptionist wasn't kidding when she said that they were steep. The cart ride to the top of the mountain took a while ten minutes. Gen refused to look out of the window, for as long as I had known her she had hated hights. The entire way up she sat there with her hands covering her eyes.
"What's wrong Gen, don't have big strong Kian to protect you" Izzy teases flashing her a satanic smile.
"Shut the hell up" she laughs as the cart jolts violently reaching the top of the base. Sharla let's out a high pitched yelp sending shivers down my spine, for half a second I expected the cart to brake away from its track and plummet into the trees bellow killing us all on impact. Dalles swings the door open and begins to move all the cases putting them on to the moist dirt just outside. The air seemed colder up here. It had taken ten minutes for us to reach the top and we had the advantage of electrical speed. There was no telling how long it would take the other two to make it to the cabin. We debated waiting around for them but decided to head to the cabin and get everything sorted out so that they could just lay back when they finally did arrive. I slipped my fingers inbetween Sharla's and start up the slope to the cabin. The path looked like it hadn't been stepped on in year, that made me worry about the guys still making their way up. Things changed so quickly in the wilderness. What if the path had been washed away by rain or the accidently took a wrong path and got lost in the middle of the woods. I would have preferred it if they would of his the button and jumped in the cart with us. Sure that was dangerous but it wasn't worth the risk of becoming lost in the woods.
We arrived at the cabin at around half ten, a large area around the wooden structure had been cleared of trees, opening it up to the sun rays. There was space on all four sides. I guessed the sun would be around for as long as it was in the sky. A flower bed filled with wild yet beautiful flowers sat on both sides of the cabin only leaving space for the stone lined path way. The dirt on the path had been over turned so quite recently it must have been been eradicated of weeds. A long wooden porch lined the front of the cabin even stretching around the side forming some kind of hide away with an old looking rocking chair inside of it. The porch was coverd by a fancy type of wood apart from just above the door way which was made of some kind of see through plastic. There wasn't much on the porch, a small bench overlooking a second and a third path with a small table beside it, also made of wood. A swinging chair beside the door and a line of equally spaced pull cords connected to square lights.
To my surprise the decking of the porch stayed quiet as I walked over them. I had to admit first impressions of this place from the reception were pretty bad, but the closer I looked the better things seemed to be getting.
"I'm gonna go have a look around back" Tasha says with ecitment, taking Sharla with her. She gives me a impressed grin and goes with her. I take Sharla's case and use my elbow to pull down the handle in the door. When it didn't open I rememberd the key Dalles appears behind me and unlocks the door, not bothering to help me with the cases, he told the door though as I walk through. 
"So what do you have in those sexy little coolers" I ask him
"Ah Gray, I thought you'd never ask" he braids instantly lightening up. He rushes over to the pile of cases and brings the coolers back with him. The first room had an open floor plan. To the left was the living room. Two opposite styled couches. A long yellow one that curled around like a big C. Big enough to seat at least six people. The second looked like somthing my late grandmother would have in her house. It was old and had striped green pattern. That could fit four people comfortably. An end table was positioned at each end of the second couch each holding a modern lamps. A round table sat perfectly in the round couch. The only thing in it was a small ashtray. Another tall lamp sat just off from it. The next thing I noticed was the fire. Open and ready to burn logs that had been piled up perfectly beside it in a woven basket. Several fire poker hung on the wall next to it. Cabinets and book cases lined the far wall. A dark rug lay in the middle of the room bringing it all together. Behind me was the kitchen, a long counter separated the two rooms. Near the door was the dinning table, only eight chairs but a ninth sat just off beside a window over looking the table. The kitchen wasn't anything special. A huge refrigerated, an oven, a toaster. And that was it apart from the cupboards that hung up against the wall.
Dalles places the two coolers in the counter dividing up the rooms and grins, taking in the surroundings.
"Not to bad, Dude I was expecting skeletons hanging from ceiling fan" he says nodding at the fan that I had somehow managed to miss. There blades and a pull cord and a lightbulb nothing fancy. His jaw clenched he apologise.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean like dead, I just-" he didn't know how to finish his statement. My heart drops. This is what I was doing to my friends. They couldn't say anything without feeling guilty and apologising. He looks away from me, I could feel the guilt radiating from him.
"It's Okay man" I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him. He opens the first cooler and pulls things out one by one. A card board box of beer cans thirty to be specific, I thought about asking why he had kept them in the box but before I could he pulled another out and then another. Finally he pulled out Two large glass bottle of vodka then moved on to the next cooler, this one was the same, three thirty boxes of beer cans but instead of vodka he pulled out two bottles of tequila.
"Izzy had two huge bottle of frosty jacks, I know nasty" he says putting up his hands in defence.
"But she also brought a bottle of JD, Rum some of that pussy hole 2% shit and a couple bottles of that fancy Gin you like. Parma violet wasn't it" he continues. Not looking into my eyes while placing all of the cans and bottles into the fridge.
"Yeah that's the one" I tell him. I disappear to look around the rest of the cabin before he turned around. A long hallway connected five rooms to each other. They we're more or less identical. A single dresser, wardrobe with doors made of slats, a night table with another modern lamp. The only difference was the beds. Gen had already claimed her room, two single beds with a meter of space between them, she told me that she was sharing with Tasha. I moved on. Clay was sitting on a double bed in the next room unpacking his case.
"Hey, how you feeling" I ask walking in and taking a seat next to him. Taking a break from his case he turns to me and begins to talk.
"I'm pretty good, haven't really spoken to anyone. I guess nobody would want a room with me so if I'm going to be alone I might as well be comfortable" he laughs patting hard on the bed.
"That Izzy's cool though" he adds after a pause.
"Just try to make friends this week okay, it will be good for you and before you say anything else, they don't hate you. How could they. Have they seen you" I play. Pushing him with my shoulder.
"I'll try Gray, anyway you better go get you and Sharla a room now I've got the only double bed" he raises his eyes brow and schuhs me out the room and goes back to unpacking. I took a quick look in the other three rooms, the two of them where the same as the first room, two singles beds with a meter space between them and the third seemed to be a couch until I noticed the blankets and matters leaning against the closet door. I pulled on the couch and it filled out in to a bed, I thought it was cool so I moved the mattress and made up the bed, placing mine and Sharla's cases in the centre to claim it as ours.
Izzy was only just pulling the last bags through the door when I stepped back into the living area, Dalles had moved over and lay on his back clutching a can of beer in his hand, still unopened.
"Letting the lady do all the heavy lifting I see" I say grabbing a couple of cases and moving them out of the door way.
"Sure am" he scoffs cracking open the can and taking two big gulps.
"That's alright, bet she's way stronger than you anyway" i give her a playful wink.
"Oi, watch what your saying" he jokes, putting on a stern face.
"The last two rooms are single bed, but I can take one of them and give you guys the fold down, I can just push the two beds together" I asks. Dalles and Izzy glance at each other and without speaking Izzy declines my offer. Taking her case she goes to one of the bedrooms at the far end of the hallway, leaving Dalles's bag still blocking the doorway. I slide it aside with my foot and join Dalles on the round yellow couch. Making my legs comfortable on the table was difficult but i finally found the least uncomfortable position with one leg wrapped around the other.
"Everything good between you two"
"Yeah dude, everythings going well. I'm just tierd from the drive" he says after taking a second to think about his answer. The lingering silence before he spoke made me think he was hiding somthing, if he didn't want to tell me, I wasn't going to give him the third degree.
"You know chicks want everything from you and when you say no to one thing they-" he erupts, Sharla and Tasha come bouncing through the door laughing and giggling before he can finish. I give him a look to tell him we will talk later and stand.
"Find anything nice"
"Well, not much round back, just a couple of  sun loungers, a shed"
"Filled with sharp things" Sharla interrupts laughing a little before Tasha carrys on.
"And a shelters bar" they sing together. They listed the content, a couple of old bottle of beer some more fresh looking bottle and two huge kegs they were excited talking about, I knew that there would be food but I don't think anyone knew about the alcohol, or even the bar for that matter.
"Well anyway, after that we went back round the front, we followed those little paths, did you see them?. We found the path to the steps on the one" Tasha says actully taking a breath
"What about the other path" Dalles asks standing to join me. Tasha and Sharla look at each other and grin, tiring their hands together and jumping from excitement.
"The world's cutest camp fire" they scream together. Who knew somthing so simple could make someone so excited.
"There was a brick barbacue, i think and a big lake" Sharla adds calming down a bit.
"A lake" i question.
"Yeah how's there a lake on top of a mountain" Dalles adds pretty much pushing their comment to the ground and sitting back down.
"Yeah, I mean I don't know, it's just there. It's massive. Even has a little dock" Tasha finished. She grabs her bag and heads to meet Gen in her room.
Sharla takes me hand and begins to walk to the wall way.
"You want to show me out room" she winks and pulls me along almost knocking me off my feet. She slams the door shut behind us and pushes me down on the pull out. The curtains were pull shut so the room was in shadows, jumping on top of me she holds down my wrists, biting hard on my neck. She moves so that she holds both of my wrists in one of her hands. Still biting my neck and unzipping my jeans with her other hand. Before I knew it her clothes were off and I was inside of her hearing her groan.
We spent the next half an hour throwing ourselves around the fold down. Stopping every couple of minutes to laugh about the amount of noise we were making.
We lay there for another ten minutes after, our bare bodies close beneath the thick duvet.
"This place is beautiful don't you think" she asks whispering into my head tickling my entire right side. I jab my fingers into her side, she yelps loudly throwing herself on top of me, placing her lips on mine, they were warm and soft. I hold her waist and kiss her back which gets her going again. Her hands clamp the sides of my head slowly caressing my non-existent beard, mainly from force of habit. Reaching diwn bellow the covers she begins massaging me. Once she was satisfied she disappears below the hem of the duvet, I finish again but throw Sharla on her back and go in for a round three without giving myself time to go limp.
After finishing for the third time I role out of the pull down and find my boxers amongst the cloths scattered across the room. Finding them bellow the window i pull them up followed my jeans. Sharla snatches my t-shirt from my hands before I can pull it on. She beckons me over with a finger. Now wearing her pink bra. A strand of hair had become caught under her strap. She lays back as I get closer forcing me to crawl and hover above her. Using her finger she traces lines between the six bumps on my stomach.
"I love your body" she whispers biting hard on her lip. She throws her arms and legs around my body holding me tight. She nibbles on my ear lobe and reaches down the back of my jeans.
"Again" she moans pulling at my still unbuckled belt. I kiss her hard and pull away.
"Later" I promise her snatching back my t-shirt. I slip it over my head. A give her butt a light slap before leaving her to get dressed. I sneak a look at my phone, it was an hour and a half later, only now did I notice that I had no cell reception. I find Izzy, Gen and Tasha sitting on the round couch, all eyes locked on me as I appear from the hallway. Eyebrows raised in amusement. Izzy takes a look at her wrist watch and taps it with her forefinger. Gen begins to giggle and Tasha gives me a thumbs up. My cheeks begin to flush.
"Looking a little sweaty there Gray" Izzy teases. Dalles walks in from the porch a huge grin on his face stretching from ear to ear.
"Finally finished I see, had to leave you were being so loud" he says squeezing my shoulders like I had done him proud.
"Where Clay" i ask.
"On the porch, don't think he wanted to hear Sharla screaming either" he laughs tapping me on the back.
"Whe're the lads" I ask walking around the counter to take a can from the refrigerator, I take the second one, it looked like Dalles as settled on one beer until later on.
"Not here yet" Clay pipes up from the doorway.
"What, it's been almost two hours, maybe we should go out and look for them"
"Yeah, Gray's right it has been a while" Gen says almost whispering. I call for Clay and Izzy to join me in the door way. Just before start down the porch steps Kian and Jordan come stumbling from a line shrubs, shoving each other playfully.
Jordan removes a cigarette from between his thin lips and shouts over to us.
"Where you off to in such a rush" Tasha disappears back into the cabin after seeing them wonder over.
"Looking for you" Clay says, it was nice to see him actully making an effort.
"Well we're here now, let's get this mother fucked started" Jordan cheers taking off running towards the cabin. Kian took his time admiring the cabin, running his fingers over the wooden railing.
"Looks like you and Jordan are sharing a room" I tell him,
"Thats cool" he says not really paying attention to what I was saying. He walks in and takes a look around. Going into his back pack Jordan pulls out a speaker and connects his phone. Half a second later music was beating in the air, vibrating the ground around them. Kian throws everyone a beer but me cheers out loud

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