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Shadows from the flames flicked and danced around the ground like a cave drawing come to life, owls hooded in the distance marking their territory, the wind continued to change direction momenterally  blinding whoever was sitting in the smokes line of fire. It was Izzy that suggest the game but didn't want to begin the story, it took us fifteen minutes to decide Who would start, nobody wanting to go first, the pressure of coming up with a good opening to the story. I go with Clay to collect some more fire wood. Both of us waddling back with arm fulls so that we wouldn't have to make another journey now that it was dark.
Tasha's face turns serious, she opens her mouth slowly and begins.
"On a summers night, just like tonight, four friends who had met and grown up at an all boys boarding school lay under the stars. None of them had it easy. They say rich kids have it all but they never tell you about the distance they have with their parents. They all had there own secrets. Deep secrets, dark secrets. They were so unhappy that they had decided to run away from home, start new lives in the wilderness, if only they knew on that first night what would become of them they would of just stayed at home in their warm bed, maybe then they would still be alive today" she claps her hands startling everyone, we had all entered some kind of trance while she spoke that when she changed her ominous tone I felt strange and out of place. She passes the story into the left nudging Gen to carry it on.
"Two of the boy while only 15 years old thought they had their whole lives mapped out, they had been planning it for months. Only a week or so before leaving did the other two join the party. The first two boys. Adam and Richard lay under the beautiful moon, fingers locked together. To them they were not doing anything wrong becuase they had not been raised in a church and didn't know the sin they were partaking. They didn't know that they would be sent to hell for the rest of eternity" everyone looked a little uncomfortable by Gen's addition to the plot. Next it was Sharla's turn, she clears her throat and lowers her voice.
"The woods were a scary place, they had come unprepared, none of the knew how to start a fire, without warmth they knew they would all die, but nothing would ever force them to go home. The third boys secret was probably the worse. He had cheated on his girlfriend, she had been with him through the hardest time of his life and still he threw her aside. The boy had slept with her best friend. It ended in a fight. And the girlfriend, well the ex girlfriend killed her with a rock to the head a thousand times. The guilt of what he had done is why drove him into the woods with the friends that he hardly even knew"
The uncomfortable feeling only grew stronger, heavier. It was Clays turn, he looks at me for a second reading my face.
"But that wasn't the only reason he left home. He had never told anyone the other and he doubted that he ever would. They all lay on the grass when suddenly the fourth boy felt somthing move against his bare foot, it a panic he kicks out his legs, this gets the attention of the others but by then it was already to late. The fourth boy lay on the ground with tears running down his face. The first boy notice somthing moving away in the grass. A snake. It was too dark for him to tell what kind of snake but he knew that the area was known for its cotten mouths. The fourth boy had two small puncture holes on the side of his right calf. The skin around them quickly swelling up like a balloon. If he was right then the venom would kill him in less than ten minutes. In the heat of the momment the first boy removes a machete from his bag, it was only ment for cutting down  branches but he had no choice, bringing it down hard on the fourth boys knee cap again and again. His screams filling the air. The other two stood back horrified by what they were seeing. Finally. The fourth boys leg lay on the ground away from his body a pool of blood spreading out around him. But he had made a mistake. He hadn't cut off the blood flow. He was losing blood and fast, his face was white and before they knew it his heart had stopped" 
"Damb Clay, that was fucking dark" Dalles says his eyes wide, he wasn't the only one to think that, everyone had the same expression on their faces.
"Well Tasha said they all die" he defends himself.
"Yeah, but did you have to make it so, well so gorey" Gen stammers her eyes filling up with tears. Clay doesn't say anything else he just looks at me for me to take the story somewhere else.
"The boys body lay there for six days before they ran out of food, the body had begun to smell and decompose. The boys had moved away to the other end of the clearing but that didn't stop the smell. His body had already been attacked my hungry birds. They had plenty of water but they were all so hungry. Another day and it had become to much for them. They ran to the body. Scaring away the birds eating his eyes. They didn't wait, they bit into his body chewing away peices of flesh. When there was nothing but bones left they lay on their backs again stuffed and tierd" I finish not really knowing where else to take the story.
"The full tummys didn't last long. Soon enough they were hungry again, they decided that the second boy and the third boy would go out and try and catch some fish to eat. The first boy stayed back at field stairing at the remains of his friend. The boys fished for hours not catching anything. Evently the second boy got board and smacked the other round the head with a rock. Half away he held him under the water until the bubbles stopped floating up
He dragged his body back to camp. The first boy had manadge to make a fire and was piling the bones of the fourth boy on top.
He slipped in the river he told his boyfriend. It wasn't until they had cut off his arms that they realized the boy was still alive. Still they ate while he moaned in pain slowly dying" Izzy says kind of quickly which annoyed me, it was her idea to play and she couldn't even be bothered to put any effort in. Her voice stayed the same and she spoke as if she was board of the whole situation.
"The guilt became to much for them to deal with, they loved each other but after what the second boy did, they had to go there separate ways, the second boy moving further into the wood while the first went back home. But he never made it home. The second boy couldn't imagine a life without him so he followed him back through the wood stalking him like a lion stalks it's prey" Jordan wasn't the best at story telling but he tried his best.
"When he did find him, he help him, they held each other tight. Laying in the early morning sun. Nothing could ever hurt them as long as they had each other" Kian saysbtrying to lighten the mood and leave the story on a happy ending, but Dalles was still left to add to and finish the story.
"The made gay love, the second lad on top with an ass full of dick. The first one liked it rough and wanted to be choked. So he did, squeezing to tight, he was so horney with the dick pounding him harder and harder he forgot to stop squeezing. Even when he realized his boyfriend's dead body was inside of him. He still kissed his cold dead body and tried to go for a round three. Then he killed himself by running in front of a car, the end" he says. Moaning and groaning, grinding his teeth and making sexual gestures with his hands.
"Dude okay why you gotta say things like that" Jordan says disgusted with him.
"What man, their faggots, there all sadistic fucks" he adds laughing hysterically playfully punching Kian in the arm.
"Wow, real mature dickhead" Izzy bites.
"Sorry I'm the big bad guy again" he jokes, laughing even when he can see no one is laughing with him.
"Why do you always ruin everything" she screams, face red. She stamps her feet against the dirt in a rage. Her can leaves her hand flying through the flames and hitting Dalles in the forehead, the contact cuts the skin, the smallest trickle of blood roles down past his eye brow.
"You know what, fuck you, it's fucking over" he yells now on his feet point one of his chunky fingers down at Izzy.
"Oh don't you know it" she yells back.
Without another word Dalles storms off smashing the whiskey bottle against the ground. His body is engulfed by the shadows. Sharla looks at me, head tilted, her lips twisted upwards like she was proving some kind of point. Clay gets up and follows Dalles into the darkness.
"That was fast" Tasha whispers under her breath.
"What the fuck did you say to me" Izzy bites turning her head violently.
"I just mean that you guys were doing it all night and less then a day layer your over" she replys sarcasticly with sass. 
"What" her face scrunched up.
"Yano doing it" Gen adds.
"We wernt doing it, we haven't for months" she spits disgusted with what she was hearing. All eyes turn on me.
"Don't look at me" I tell them holding up my hands.
"Well then who was" but Tasha doesn't finish her sentence, what she sees is all the evidence she needs, I follow her gaze straight to Kian, his head between his knees shaking, not from the cold.
"Who were you fucking" Tasha jokes, letting out a quiet laugh. When he doesn't answer her tones gets more serious.
"Kian who were you fucking" she asks again.
"Kian" Izzy questions. Sharla had her eyes fixed on the ground.
"Her" Gen gasps looking at Sharla.
"What no" she says her voice low.
"You fucked my girl friend" I snap rising to my feet.
"What no Gray, I was with you all night, you know that" she says.
"How do I know where you are when I'm sleeping" I say shrugging away her hand on my knee. Kian still didn't speak, he began to shake more, head still pressed between his knees. I grab him by the scruff of his shirt lifting him up. He pushes back against my grip.
"Did you have sex with my fucking girlfriend" i scream in his face, spit flying out of my mouth on to his face. Now everyone was on their feet, Tasha and Gen backing away. Sharla and Izzy pulling on my arms. I raise my fist ready to punch him in the face.
"Answer my fucking question" I scream at the top of my lungs.
"Me, it was me" a voice screams to my right. We all turn to see Jordan standing there holding one arm and looking down.  His face pale, he looked like he was about to be sick. My grip instantly release Kian. He slams his hands into my chest almost knocking me into the fire that had begun to die down from lack of maintenance. He takes off for the cabin. Jordan reaches out for him as he walks past. Kian smacks his hand away and says somthing under his breath that only Jordan hears.
"Your a homosexual" Gen gasps. My mouth opens but nothing comes out. He walks off slowly in the direction of the cabin. I judge my face by the look of everyone else's. Shock, disbelief. Everyone but Gen that was. Her fave was filled with disgust, the disgust turns into sadness then begins crying into the fofur of Tasha's jacket.
"Sharla, I'm sorry" I say disgusted with myself.
"How could you think I would ever do that to you" she weeps going back to the cabin herself.
"Well I feel better about myself" Izzy tries to joke linking my arm and walking with me back to the cabin, i wasn't ready for the shit show going on inside the house and she knew it. She leaves to turn on the porch lights which were alot brighter than I had expected and returns. We take our seats on the swinging chair. Izzy had brought out a thin blanket and folded it over the two of us.
"In the grand scheme of things, it's not so bad, we all got our shit out in the open" she tells me, placing her head on my shoulder. A ball of emotions form in my stomach moving it's way up through me. Tears leak over the rims of my eyes.
"Hey, don't cry" she whispers using the sleeves in her jumper to wipe them away.
She checks her phone and snaps a photo of the pair of us to capture the moment then tells me the time. 2:20am.
"We should probably get some sleep" I tell her, she agrees and we both head inside to our own rooms. I don't make it past Izzy' s room. The second she opens the I see it. Sharla sitting on top of Dalles, both naked and moving in fast motion. They don't stop when they see us.
"You thought it, I did it baby" Sharla laughs pushing herself harder against Dalles's gross plump body. Izzy instantly slams the door and falls to her knees. I take her to my room and help her under the sheet. Taking the second pillow and placing it on the floor.
She speaks after an hour of silence.
"Yano, I thought he didn't want to have sex with me becuase of the weight he put on or maybe he had alot on his mind, I never thought that it could of been becuase of me"
"Screw him, your beautiful. Skull earings and all"
Life is like a boomerang, you put somthing out into the world. Something good or somthing bad, it doesn't matter which, it come flying back hitting you hard. The only difference is somthing bad brings you pain, but so does somthing good. No matter what you do, pain and suffering will always find you

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