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"Good morning" Sharla whispers into my ear, kissing it softly. Small rays of sun light broke through the curtains, the thin curtains. An almost transparent fabric. I press my lips against her forehead and role over to check my phone. The cord was still attached. A green battery icon told me it was fully charge. 7:26 am i read aloud.
"Is that it" Sharla says surprised sitting herself upright. For a minutes she sits there, still with her eyes closed. Clay knocks on the door and yells somthing that I couldn't quite hear. Sharla's foot attacks my leg and knocks me to the ground. I hit my elbow hard on the wood, pain shooting through the bone I groan.
"Oops" Sharla says standing up and wrapping the duvet around her half naked  body.
"I'm going to the bathroom" she whines while letting out a yawn. I didn't know there was a bathroom, well I knew that there was a bathroom, I just hadn't seen it when I looked around. Picking myself up I ask her where the bathroom is.
"Eer, end of the hallway" she says sarcastically. Sharla wasn't a morning person, it was probably best not to talk to her on mornings. I stretch out my biceps and adjust the waist band on my boxer briefs. I hadn't expected it to be so cold at the cabin, but standing here in my underwear, hair hanging over my forehead, small bumps raised all over my body.
I pull a Grey shirt from my bag and another set of identical black jeans, slipping out of my boxer briefs  I dig around my case and find a pair with pocketed trunks. I put all of my cloths on and head out of the room to the bathroom, the door is still closed when I get there. After placing my ear against the thin door I could hear a tap running.
No wonder I didn't see the door before, at the end of the hallway was a small turning with a door a meter away. I knock the door and a second later Sharla swings it open, wide eyed and dressed in a small night dress. She slides her long fingers on her bare leg pushing up the seam of the high dress, I take a step forward and she pulls me in the rest of the way, locking the door behind us. She throws me up the door and kisses my lips. The running water was a shower head hidden behind a purple curtain on hooks.
"I think we need a shower" she giggles unbuttening my shirt, her hands made quick work of the buttons folding the shirt over my shoulders and tossing it into the corner of the room. She starts on my jeans rolling them down my legs pulling at the hairs. Without giving me chance to remove my pocketed trunks she pulls me over to the shower throwing open the curtain. If I didn't step inside of the tub the plastic rim would of smacked into my shins and I would have face planted the hard tiles.
I attempt to remove my trunks but Sharla beats me to it. The water pounds against my skin, dripping down between my shoulder blades. She falls to her knees kissing the v shaped lines of my pelvis. She jumps up pushing me against the tiles, the water jets into her eyes but she doesn't stop gliding her hands over every inch of my body.
"Hurry up in there" a voice yells banging hard against the door.
"Just a minute" Sharla calls back teaching out of the curtain for a bottle of shampoo. She squirts a blob in ber hand and massages it into both mine and her hair. The banging in the door returns. She grabs my but and starts to stroke me.
"Nope, we gotta go" I tell her stepping out of the tub before I become to aroused to stop.
"Baby, come on"
"Gotta go" I tell her.
"Fucking tease" she snaps, the next thing I know the bottle of shampoo collides against the wall.
"Shit Sharla" I slip into my way trunks and collect my clothing and leave, going back to my room to change my underwear and redress. When I get into the living room it bare other than Gen sitting at the dining table eating a mouthful of dry cereal.
"So what's the plan for today" I say taking a seat opposite her. She swallows before speaking.
"Well I thought we could go check out that make Tasha was talking about, if that's okay" she says giving me a small smile then shovelling another spoon full of cereal into her mouth. Jordan walks in dressed in a pair of jogging bottoms. His chest bulged out in front of him, the rest of his body us flat except the indent of his belly button.
"Feeling rough Jord" Gen asks dropping her spoon into the bowl making a clanging sound.
"What, yeah I'm fine why" he says speaking quickly. He reaches down into his pocket a d pulls out a packet of cigarettes. Placing one between his lips he sparks it up with his lighter.
"You kind of drank alot last night dude" I say turning in the seat.
"That was nothing" he croaks tipping the freshly made coffee into one of the mugs from the cupboard and then into a second as I give him a nod. He slides it to me and joins us at the table. His jaw clenches as he sits down like he was in some kind of pain.
"You alright dude" I ask.
"Yeah" he groans
"just pulled my back out"
Now that he was closer I could see the track marks on the inside of his arms. He places the mug to his lips and slurps up the hot liquid.
"Put a shirt on" Gen giggles swatting at his upper arm were a small tattoo of a sword had been etched. She plays with a strand of orange wrapping it around her finger. If i didn't know any better I would think she had eyes for him. Big red, heart shaped eyes. Even though she had told him to put a shirt on she still staired at his chest while biting her lip. Jordan pretended not to notice but they way his cheeks began blush told me otherwise.
"Oh yeah" Gen announces remembering somthing she wanted to ask.
"What did you find in that creepy room" she looks up atbthe small hole while talking.
"Nothing much, an old locked box and alot of dust" Jordan answers her.
"Izzy and Dalles up" I ask
"Nope, they were up all night if you know what I mean" Clay says walking in and pouring himself a cup of coffee. His eyes were puffy like he had only slept for a couple of hours.
"I'm happy for them" I say crossing my arms and giving everyone a thoothy smile. A gulp down the rest of my coffee and walk over to the couch throwing myself down arms stretched wide.
"Lets do somthing" I whine like a child.
"Like what" says Gen.
"Lets go to the lake now"
"Okay, let me go wake the others" Jordan says getting up from the table, I yell to get his attention and tell him not to bother.
"Just us four, we can come back for the other later, plus it's 8am they won't wake up  for hours" it didn't take long for everyone to agree and gather up a couple of things. Some bottled water and a couple of snacks encase we got hungry. Clay suggested bringing the shotgun along just encase but with no experience between the four of us we decided that we would probably be safer without it. I think about how pissed Sharla will be when she comes out and finds me gone, a hint of guilt hits me at the same time as the amusement. I love her don't get me wrong, she knows what to say to me when I'm upset or angry but if we're not having sex then she's thinking about having sex. I'm not complaining about it, not at all but I just wished there was somthing. more to it. I meet them on the porch after retrieving a sharp knife from the kitchen and tucking it into the backpack with the water and food in. We couldn't take then gun but I didn't want to be totally defenceless if we bumped into a bear. The knife probably wouldn't do much but having it made me feel better. We take the path to the left and begin.
"How far down did they say it was" Jordan mumbles with a fresh cigarette between his teeth.
"They didn't, but they were only gone twenty minutes" Clay says, he and Jordan walk off ahead talking, I see Jordan offer him a cigarette which he refuses.
"Sharla seems nice" Gen says linking her arm with mine, I steal a glance behind me to see if Sharla had seen it but all I could see were trees. A branch smacks me hard In the face when i turn around. Gem let's out a cackle like a witch. She kisses the palm of her hand and slaps it against my cheek, hurting it more. She takes of running jumping Jordan's back, I see the cigarette fall to the ground. He shrugs her off and instead of picking up the half smoked one he removes another from the box and stamps on the burning end of the one sitting on the ground.
A twig snaps under my foot making me jump. I jog to catch up with the others, when I reach them the lake comes into view. Tasha had made out to be a huge, beautiful piece of art. A pool of water about sixty meters long and wide sat at the end of a wooden dock. Two overturn canoes lie beached, the puddles tossed down beside them. The water was dark almost the colour of mud. A small camping area sat a couple of strides away from the dock. Five long wooden logs around and a circle of charcoal stones. Just off from that were two picnic benches and a brick barbeque, below the barbecue you were too small black doors freckled with rust stains. One of the doors had been left open and no exposed it's contents, a plastic bucket filled with lumps of coal.
"Aww, how cute is this" Gen says three times as she walks around the small area.
"Look guys, I found a gazebo" Jordan say pointing around a bunch of thick, tall bushes. I moved around to get a better look and sure enough there it was. A small gazebo with a wooden frame, a door havld been fixed onto the front and the usually open side panels had been fitted with glass that looks like it had not been cleaned in years. Clay wipes atbthe grime with the sleeve of his jumper but it makes no difference. Jordan was the first to try the door, it opened without effort. Cobwebs filled the bannisters.
A box hung in the wall with a large green cross, Gen commented in the gazebo but I wasn't paying enough attention to her to understand what she had said. A couple of old chairs and several barrels of barbeque gaz were the only other things inside. One by one Clay picks up the barrels testing there weight. After telling me which ones seemed full and which ones were empty I makr a mental note to take one out later and hook it up to the barbeque. I think I remember seeing a couple of packs of sausages in the fridge yesterday.
Jordan pulls of the t-shirt that he had only been wearing for ten minutes and drops his jeans to his ankles.
"Shoes" i remind him, he reacts like he had forgot and runs off jumping head first off of the dock in a backflip. Gen whistles loudly beside me. Looking so eager to do the same, the temperature had risen and the hair around her forehead stuck to the skin. I never really understood Christianity. God is good and god is just, I don't believe that he would damb someone to hell for having sex before marriage or homosexuality. God would not send a man to hell for enjoying his food. Christians say that their god is forgiving, so why would he not forgive Gen for taking a swim in her underwear. What is so blastfamous about revealing a person's flesh. She takes a seat on one of the picnic benches and crosses her legs.
"Come on" Jordan demands kicking at the water. I lock eyes with Clay but he insists on staying dry, I knew the real reasons was so that Gen wasn't sitting alone for however long we were in the water. I hesitate, going back and forth between the options. There could be anything in the water.
"Oh fuck it" my cloths hit the ground and I join Jordan in the lake with a large splash.
"Jesus Christ Gray" Jordan gasps braking the waters surface, I could help but laugh to my self after Gen yelled at him for taking the lords name in vain. The water stung my skin, it felt like I had been dunked into an icebath. I kicked my legs to stop myself from going under.
We raced back and forth in the water, changing tactics every hundred yards starting with the breaststroke. We did this for twenty minutes before Jordan got board and jumped on my back dunking me under the water and holding me there for longer than I liked. I found my elbow dig into his ribs in a panicked frenzy. Crying out in pain he kicks my shin with his boney toes.
"Your such a dick" he says placing his hands on my arms and pushing me backwards. We swamp closer to the dock to a point were it was shallow enough for me to stand, but still came high up my chest.
"Boo" Gen shrieks jumping out from now where. She roles on her back laughing, the dock squeaks beneath her. Jordan dissapeard under the water for half a minute.
"Alright, get on his back" she tells Jordan offering out her hand to help. He takes it and using the ledge of the dock to climb up my back and rests his legs down my chest.
"Say cheese" she cheers snapping a picture with her phone.
"We have to take loads of pictures" she says snapping another then pushing Jordan off my shoulders. He takes me down with him.
Almost drowning me again.
"Okay stop pissing about now" I tell them pushing my weight through the water to pull my self out. I pull my underwear away from the skin allowing them to bag and find mu cloths folded on the table. Gen's hands slam against her eyes, protecting her innocence.
"Dude, you been working out" Jordan asks following my lead. He suggests walking back to the cabin for the others while we stay behind to start work on the barbeque. The time on my screen read twelve pm. I could bearly believe my eyes, it had felt like half an hour maximum when in reality it had been more like four.
He returns with the others Sharla cross faced with her arms folded in front of her. Her teeth nibble away at the inside of her mouth like a squirrel. Kian tosses me the dripping bag of sausages also seeming in some kind of mood.
"Jeez, what's up with them" asks Clay moving in closer to conceal his words. All I could say was.
"Who knows" the only one who didn't seem to be in a miserable mood was Tasha who hands me a pile of paper plates and plants a kiss on my cheek. Sharla must have noticed becuase she glared at her walking down to the dock. She ignored me for the rest of the afternoon. Gen goes off with Clay to get canister of gas from the gazebo and I attach it together with barbeque. There were no utensils so instead I used one of the paper plates to turn over the sausages. Folding it round and scooping the one end, we had a couple of close calls when the plate set on fire but we quickly put it out.
"Won't bear's smell the food" Gen says slightly panicking with a mouth full of steam sausage.
"Nah, they don't like the smell of smoke" Dalles says.
"Myth" Izzy says biting at Dalles.
"Smoke doesn't bother them, so yes Gen. Bears will smell your sausage"  her face drops instantly mouth open wide then snaps it shut like the smell from her mouth alone with attract a bear.
"Don't worry Gen, if one comes I'll punch it in the nose" Dalles adds bugging himself up. Gen smiles but doesn't dare open her mouth. I think about mentioning the knife but decide against it, Dalles would probably demand it and end up doing somthing equally as stupid as the gun situation. As the sun begins to fade we get a fire going using logs that Clay had found in the Gazebo the second time he had made the trip and lumps of coal from the doors bellow the barbeque. Kian and Jordan head back to the cabin and return half an hour later with a bottle of whiskey and a card board box of beer, just has the sun left the sky, it was amazing how clear the night sky was. In the city with all the light pollution and smog it was impossible to see any stars but tonight the sky was alive with them. Not a cloud in sight. The logs in the fire crackled away as Tasha named a few of the constellations.
Pointing at them with her arms stretched out.  Her hair hung over her face while she spoke. Izzy hands Gen a can of beer, she accepts it and begins to drink immidatly. That was another thing, no sex before marriage but her god would allow her to get drunk.
"I have an idea" Izzy whispers looking at everyone through the towering flames between us all. The silence lingers on waiting for her to speak again.
"Lets make a story, each adding to it till it ends" she says, taking the bottle of whiskey and gulping down three mouthfuls

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