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There wasn't many places to hide up here in the woods, off this was some kind of sick joke then we would catch them wondering around the woods, by the look of Tasha and Clay it wasn't a joke. My friends had to be somewhere close by. Tasha hadn't mentioned seeing any other buildings around when she and Sharla had gone looking around the first day here. But I suppose they hadn't been gone long, only a couple hundred meters in a circle. We really should of gone looking around. There could be any number of small shacks and building hiding away in the woods. These woods went on for miles and miles. I would hate to get lost in them, one wrong turn and anyone of us could be lost forever. That would be unless one of the many beasts prowling around got to you first.
"What does that mean" Jordan asks, he to was pale just like everybody else in the room. His eyes were filled with tears, he didn't cry but I could tell he wanted to. A loud crash comes from down the hallway. A long metal pipe came rolling down the hall. It didn't take long for us to catch on to what it was. Only a couple of seconds after the cloud of white smoke began seeping from the end. 
I don't know who started running first but bit wasn't me, I helped Jordan up together we hobbled towards the door. The others were there, pushing hard against the door. The smoke quickly absorbed the room. Izzy barged the door with her shoulder but it didn't budge. She yelled now, yelled for help. Help from somebody that wasn't there. The smoke stung my eyes. The gas effecting my ability to see. I was now at the door with the others behind me. I didn't dare turn around, I didnt want to see how the smoke had taken over the room. The pain had taken over our senses. Tasha screams. The smoke was everywhere. The stings so quickly changed to burns. I was blind. Izzy had moved feeling her way around the room with her hands.
"Back window" she calls out hopeing that we were following her. I couldn't see her, I could see anything. The hissing from the pipe had stopped, at least no more gas would be filling the room. I couldn't speak anymore. My throat was on fire. I start holding my breath. The air to painful to take in. I had Clay by the back of his shirt but he had gone. I couldn't tell where the door was anymore but I heard it swing open. And footsteps walking through the room, the lights went out and the room went quiet. Heavy breaths from a gas mask echoed around me bouncing off of the walls. There was someone inside with us. The same person There had kidnapped Dalles and Sharla and Gen and Kian. I hear The breathing to my right and charge. The kitchen counter slams against my pelvis stealing all of the oxygen out of my body. I had no choice but to breath now. I take in a big breath instantly regretting it. It felt like small sores had formed in my mouth and down into my lungs. Sores that would explode at any moment. Izzy screams somewhere behind me.
"Get off me, leave me alone" I could hear the sound of someone being dragged. I could only guess that it was Izzy. I charge again, this time with more force. My body is sent flying through the air as I hit the couch. I land on my back crashing against the coffee table. It didn't brake, if anything had broke it was my back. Her voice was gone. No. It wasn't she was outside. She was screaming less but she was there. Her voice didn't seem to have moved any further away when the yells of Clay filled the air, he too being dragged away. I could still hear Izzy, my back hurt to much to move. All I could do was groan and wait for my turn to be dragged away.

I couldn't breath, I was choking on my own tears. I tried and tried again to suck in air but my body wouldn't let me. Still I screamed. My vision had been wiped out my the gas. I call out for help again. I dont know who I'm calling. For anyone. The hands that had grabbed me were huge. Finger and thumb touching around my arms. Whoever it was were smart. Tear gas was a nice touch. Blind your target and it's easy pickings. It was also a good way of making people scatter. My mother had told me about the time she had to use it at work after a riot had formed at the shopping centre.
The floor boards on the cabins porch creak. Clay's voice came next. Getting closer to me. I was in a chair. My arms fixed in place. I try moving my legs but it strains my arms. The rope had been tied around wrists and looped underneath the chair to attach to my feet. I was stuck. There was no way out of this. One by one I couldn't hear my friends being dragged out of the cabin. Blind just like me. I couldn't believe how much the tear gas burnt. I had never felt a pain like it before. My mom had told me it was dangerous stuff, but only now did I really understand the full extent of it. Clay was beside me.
"Calm down Clay, it's going to be fine" I call out to him, lying. The truth was we were probably all about to be gutted on the spot and posted on some kind of kinky porn site. Tasha was next, though she wasn't screaming, I could hear her whimpering away. Then Jordan was thrown on the chair to the other side of me. Gray came out last, yelling  I could tell the person was having a tough time handling him, maybe that was the reason he was the last to be dragged out. Either there was a chair infront of me or Grayson had be slammed to the ground.
The air was cold against my bare arms. At some point I had lost my fleece. No one spoke for what felt like hours.
"Don't need you all" an electronic voice says standing in front of me. I guessed that the five of us had been placed in a circle. With him in the middle. The voice editor didn't do much, I could tell that it was a man, the voice was and southern even through the electronics.
"We need to go from five to four" the voice sings in a rhyme.
"One must die and you will choose" he continues. The screams start again. Tasha somewhere in front of me crying.
The robotic voice begins counting one to five, from what I could gather he was point at us, giving each one A random number. He spoke to quickly. I could tell what number wad giving to who. I don't know why I thought that would be any easier. I couldn't help it, historical laughter began filling the area. From my throat. This couldn't be real. Everone else was now silent. They must thing is gone crazy. How could this be real. Things like this didn't happen. Not to people like us. There was Grayson. But the file was cranked up to a thousand. This kind of thing only happened in movies.
"Izzy, what the hell are you laughing at" Tasha says from somewhere beside me. I kept laughing for a minute before replying.
"What is this, this shit don't happen in real life" I say spilling my mind all over the ground.
I couldn't hear who got what number, I may have been three but I really couldn't tell.
"Pick a number the voice says" talking to someone in front of me. It was only when they spoke I knew it was Tasha.
"Number two" she cries. Clay speaks next also giving the number two. The voice speaks out grays name, he replies with a weak moan before using his words.
"Four" just from that one word I could tell his eyes were filled with tears, tears that choked him
"One" Clay says, finally I feel a heavy hand on my shoulder and the electronic voice down my ear. Slowly I peice things together. One had one, four has one and two has two.
"One" I say thinking it will soil the voices plan.
"Looks like we have a tie" he says. He makes a tutting sound with his lips. My eyes still burnt, the tears rolling from them did little to help it. I hear his shoes drag across the dirt before the struggle. Someone's shouts, tries to shout, throat being crushed unable to call for help. Screams from everyone fill the air. Someone was being choked out. I'm glad I can't see, I'm even grateful for the burning. Just from the sound I knew this wasn't somthing anyone should have to witness. I'm grateful that it's not me. The moment the thought runs through my mind I regret it. Everyone screams but nobody begs for it to stop. The fear that the attention may be turned on them keeping us all in check.
When the sound of the struggling stops, we all stop screaming. Someone was dead. I heard Jordan beside me.
Somewhere in front of me either Grayson, Tasha or Clay lay unconsious or dead on the floor. Before I could hear anyone else I felt a crack on the top of my head.

The area around me fell silent, I could tell weather it was my ears handy job of blocking out the trauma or everyone else was speechless I couldn't tell you.
Static fills the air and gradually turns into voices, the pain in my eyes had began to wear off, the pain faded to a warm sensation and I could make out dark shapes around me. Nobody spoke for a long time. Long enough that I suspected that the sinister voiced man had slaughterd everyone else around me.
"My eyes stoped burning" a voice whispers, not dearing to speak any louder from fear of drawing attention. I couldn't make out the voices owner, only that it belonged to a female.
The voice spoke again, louder this time, her voice twisted. The voice of broken down spirit. Tasha's hand clutches my shoulder. What ever the white smoke was just have worn off and her vision returned. Quite sobs began to escape from her. First not saying anything. Gradually forming a word, no not a word, a name. Clays name.
"What's happening Tasha" Jordan moans.
"He's dead, Clays dead, hes" silence came around again. Pushing done on me like a tonne of bricks cutting off my air flow. That's how it started. The panic attacks. The loss of breath, the struggle to breath all signs that my chest would tighten while my brain geard up ready to go in to over drive. My hands were restricted behind my back still. Someone was moving. The gentle crunch of death echoing through the dense barrier of wildrness.
"I can't stay here" Tasha cries from the front of me. Her body crashing away into bushes.
"Tasha" I scream after her without cause. The crunches fadeing in my darkened mind. An electronic beep followed by the release of my hands send me forward. Crashing hard against the dusty ground. If my eyes would have been open they would have been filled with tiny grains of dirt. Scratching away at my cornea.

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