Chapter 5

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Lola didn't want to hesitate but she did. She was still suited up in her pyjama ensemble and didn't think that they would fight off the chilly night air. she aired this fact and Peter turned around straight away.
Lola knew the tale of him and how he was so cheeky. Because of this, she slyly changed into jeans and a tshirt, pulling a woolly jumper on over it.
"That looks nice." Peter Pan turned around and drank Lola in. She was about to grab for a pair of her vans when Peter told her that she wouldn't need shoes.
"I'm going to at least put some socks on." Lola insisted as she yanked on the first socks she could find. They weren't even matching in the slightest.
"Here." Peter blew fairy dust all over her and she soon began to float above the ground. Peter and Tink soon joined her.
The window needed to be opened more but as soon as the gap was wide enough, Lola whisked through it, laughing and thoroughly enjoying every moment of the freedom in the air as the three of them flew aimlessly in the air.
"This way!" Peter hollered as he made for North East.
Tink was close to Peter, flying backwards and keeping a close eye on Lola. Not once did her eyes leave the seventeen year old girl.
Peter knew that they were advancing quickly to Neverland. Before he could forewarn Lola about the mass of Pirate ships that constantly lined the shore or the mermaids and mermen, Lola dived towards the sea and greeted the mermaids and men.
"Lola, they can be...un...friendly..." Peter trailed off as Lola and the mer people were getting on too well.
There was a distant ticking sound. Lola knew that it could only mean one thing; the crocodile. She scanned the top of the water whilst still flying and saw the crocodile menacingly glare up at her face.
Lola jumped back if it was possible to do that whilst in flight. Tink grabbed her finger and lead her away where Peter was stood.
There was a forest not too far inland. The trees stood tall as they glided through the branches. A few times Lola's hair got entangled in the branches. After many times of it happening, though, Lola started to suspect that it was not coincidence and that in fact it was Tink who was purposefully doing it.
Peter soon caught on to the silent argument that Tink was creating and made her remain in front of him so that no further conflict would be caused. Lola was a little more than grateful.
"Welcome to my humble abode." Peter gestured to a tree house. In the tree house Lola could spot a window and a cut out door that she had an inkling Peter would be too tall for now.
She flew up to it and in it she saw several sleeping figures. The Lost Boys.
They stirred as Lola crouched in the doorway.
"Wendy?" A sleepy boy with stripes across his cheeks asked.
"No, Curly. This is Lola." Peter corrected him. "Lola, these are the-"
"Lost boys." Lola finished his sentence with a forlorn expression in her voice.
"Line up." The boys obeyed, quickly forming a neat line, one behind the other.
"Tootles" Peter pointed to the boy with hair that stuck out at odd ends.
"Nibs." Peter travelled down the line and pointed at a boy who was taller than the rest and held a bow and arrow on his shoulder. His face held a huge smile that Lola found contagious and stripes were painted on his face. Her lips pulled into a grin.
"Slightly." A boy with a wooden flute in his hand frowned at Lola.
"Curly." The boy had curly hair with stripes on his face similar to Nibs and was considerably smaller compared to the rest of them.
"And lastly, the twins." Two identical boys grinned.
"This is Lola." Peter introduced her to the six boys and she waved timidly.
She was bombarded by Tootles, Nibs, Curly and The Twins but Slightly stood on the edge of the crowd.
"If you're a girl, why aren't you wearing a dress?" The First Twin asked.
"Well, trousers are a lot comfier." Lola admitted. Peter smiled at this.
"C'mon. Step away from Lola. She needs our help. She needs an adventure."

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