Chapter 19

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"This way, Lola." Wendy grabbed Lola and headed down the ladder. Lola hesitated and then decided to head back. To help Peter like he'd helped her.
"OI! Captain! Pick on someone your own size." Lola moved closer to him.
"Well, I can't fight you. You're considerably larger than me." The pirate scoffed.
The comment didn't make Lola feel insecure. It made her infuriated, though. She charged, her mouth open like she was a ferrel dog and her dagger raised.
"N-n-no!" The pirate shrieked as he cowered away.
"That's what I thought." Lola turned away and followed Wendy, leaving the pirate to Peter.
"Is that the best insult you have? About how she looks? There are a lot of insults that could hurt someone more." Peter inched closer to The Captain, The Lost Boys merely on-lookers.
"A person could be a lot worse than shapely. How about mean? Coward? Controlling?" He listed off The Captain's obvious characteristics.
Lola overheard and smiled secretly as she continued down to the ground.
The Lost Boys decided to come up with a conspiracy so they surrounded the lanky shrew like pirate and drew out of their pants whatever they had.
Tootles had a twig in his hand.
Nibs drew his bow and arrow off his shoulder.
Slightly had a flute in his hand. He muttered insults at himself for his lack if useful resources. He then remembered that he had a knife in his other pockets. He gripped it tightly in his other hand, he was ready now.
Curly didn't draw out anything. He cowered behind Slightly and Nibs.
The twins were too busy arguing to pay attention to what was going on around them.
One by one with Nibs leading, they surrounded the pirate as he shied away from the cruel Lost Boys. They were only cruel because of the pirate's behaviour.
"Please." Captain Mcafferty begged. "Please. I'm innocent." He adjusted his hat.
"You're only sorry now you're life is in danger." One of The Lost Boys growled. The pirate whimpered like a kicked pup.
"You're right. You're right." The pirate took off his hat and held it to his chest as if he were a soldier mourning for another. His chin rested on his chest and his bald head was a grimacing sight for the boys.
"Wendy." Lola said her companion's name simply. She turned around.
"I think I want to go home." It was the first time she had said it out loud to anyone. She hadn't even uttered anything about it to Tink who wouldn't be able to say anything. Lola daren't tell Peter for risk if hurting his feelings and breaking her own heart.

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