Chapter 22

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"We should slash off his beard."
"Or pull out his teeth."
"Maybe we should leave him to starve."
"Yeah, but he'd starve anyway if we pulled his teeth out."
"Please. Don't do this. Let me go. I'll leave you be." Mcafferty cowered away from The Lost Boys through his gag.
"What makes you think we should believe you?" Peter asked pulling the gag away from the pirate's mouth.
"I'm telling the truth."
Wendy raised an eyebrow. "Hmm. That's your lying face. Can't cheat a traitor." In a way she was a traitor. It wasn't as if she regretted much of it all but she was relieved and thankful that she was back on the side of Peter Pan.
"Please Wendy. Make him believe me." The pirate begged. He'd be on his knees with his hands clasped in front of him if it weren't for the rope that restrained him.
"Why? Why should I make him believe you? Why should any of us believe you? After what you've done to everyone here, the person you've hurt the most is Peter and you want him to help you now that he has a chance to end all of this madness?" Wendy wasn't quite shouting but she wasn't calm either.
Lola stood on the sidelines and watched as Wendy took out a dagger and pressed the point of it underneath the pirate's chin.
"Maybe we should leave him be." Lola interfered. "We don't really need all of this violence, do we?" Lola was becoming queasy as blood dribbled from an open wound.
"The girl is right." Macafferty agreed. Wendy dropped the dagger and took a reluctant step back. Why was she listening to a pirate and a girl who was too scared of herself to be brave in this situation.
"Lola. Just because you're scared." Wendy picked up the blade and it resumed it's place on the pirate's chin.
"I aren't scared. You're just ridiculous." Lola was both lying and telling the truth. She was scared. Very. Wendy was acting a bit abruptly and rash.
"This is like torture. This doesn't make us better than them." This was Peter who was trying to get Wendy to stop. He had a very good point to make.
Wendy, at Peter's words, stopped and hesitantly took the knife away. Now that Peter had spoken sense, she realised. She's was acting in a stupid way. This didn't make her better than a pirate. This made her worse.

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