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Lola was now twenty; three years later.

The band hadn't made it big yet but the five of them still played together every other Saturday.

Nico and Isla were happily together and they were both having the best time of their lives together. Lola was glad that her friends were enjoying life. Jeffrey was dating Alice which Lola found a little more uncomfortable but still, she didn't mind. She was still single and on the look out. She's been on plenty of dates but she was always hoping for that one person.

Lola, Alice, Nico and Isla had rented and moved into a four bedroom flat together (the fourth bedroom was for Jeffrey when he stayed over). Lola was fine with Jeffrey and Alice dating but there were boundaries that could not be overstepped.

Lola was working full time in waitressing and on weekends she would sit in front of the fire watching various films on various takes of Peter Pan, all the while thinking to herself; Neverland is nothing like that at all.


Lola answered the phone at her work. "Hello, This is Lola Milson speaking from Frankies and Benny's, how may I help you?"

"Hey, Lola. Just the person I wanted to speak to. Meet me at your gig on Saturday. You'll know who I am." Before Lola got to answer any questions, the line went dead. She tried to get back to work but she couldn't keep her mind off the phone call.

The gig came around and Lola's mind was alert and her eyes were scanning the crowd as she walked out onto the stage, her band walking out behind her. They played a reel of songs of different genres and the crowd appreciated them all. When they had finished, they thanked the crowd and departed onto the side. All excpet Lola who jumped into the crowd and surfed as they caught her. She landed at the back of the room where one person was waiting for.

They stood face to face. Lola was nervous as she stood across from the person.

"Hello stranger." The mischevious grin she knew so well crept across his face.

That's this story done, fini i hope you all liked it and enjoyed it. i know i enjoyed writing it. i might revisit it later for editing and revising but for now its over which makes me sad bc this song was a big part of my writing for a while (I know it doesnt seem like it but it honestly was :)) 

i hope you liked my tale of peterpan bc how awesome is that guy?????

thanks so much for reading my story it means such a lot to me and it gets me really excited when the viewed number goes up *happy dance :)* youre alll awesome and i appreciate all of you and how you took time to read my story xxxxxx

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