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Here are the ingredients and directions on how to the the famous Puertorican drink called Coquito !
Story time below *


- 1 can cream of coconut
- 1 can coconut milk
- 1 can sweetened condensed milk
- 1 can evaporated milk
- 1 cup white rum** (optional)
- 1 tbs cinnamon powder
- 1 tbs vanilla extract
- 1 stick of cinnamon


1) open up all the cans and have your 1 cup of white rum ready
2) in a blender, add in the coconut milk, cream of coconut, evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk , mix very well , till smooth like .
3) add in vanilla extract & cinnamon, add in the cup of white rum and mix again until blended well together

What you need -
- glass bottle/ bottles
- a tunnel

to pour it in the bottle -

1) open the bottle up and put in the stick of cinnamon.
2) once the coquito is ready and you tasted it and LIKED it . Pour in the coquito, fill up the bottle to your liking!
3) close bottle up
4) refrigerate until cold

Best served when cold

** adding white rum (or any liquor in fact ) is for those who are 21 years and older , please do not drink and drive  & please drink responsibly !! 

you can add however much white rum you want or if you do not like it just skip it.

* Now for the story time that I'll try to make short lol .. 

My aunt was selling coquito and texted me, my brother and my stepdad to buy some. Okay we all lived under the same roof so my mom told me to learn that way we don't have to buy from anyone any more coquito, and so I started watching YouTube videos. Started writing down a lot of different ingredients, because everyone has their own way of making it. I found one that I really liked and I made it three times over the period of a month and I sold out every time.  that's why I decided to share the way I make it cause every time I asked someone if they knew how to make it, they will always be so secretive about it and not tell me.

If you are under the age of 21, ask your parent to help you. especially cause you can not buy alcohol yourself or make it without alcohol :) . 

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