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Me and honey have been dating for a while now, San tho, he has been acting weird lately. But I don't care. It was the week end.
"Aaahhhh!!! Honey!!! Why did you die?!!! I- no,no,no,NO!" I was screaming. Me and honey were playing video games.

"I'm SoRrY I CaNt CoNtRoL mY wIfI!!!" Honey said to me (a/n: Chan saying I'm sorry I can't control the wifi, sry)

I get killed" Ugh!! I died!"

"Let's take a break from playing. It's getting late. I also have a question."


"Will you go on a date with me in real life, if we live near eachother if that is."


"Ok, don't get to excited, we don't know if we leave near. I live near Seoul."

"OMG ME TOO!!!!!"

"YYYESSS MEET ME AT THE CITY PARK AT 5PM!" He then leaves, I'm left there excited

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