The Car Ride

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I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks as Aaliyah took me out of the bathroom stall and onto a bench that was outside. She tried to comfort me, telling me it was gonna be ok which made it worse knowing that I wasn't going to be ok.

She told me that she was gonna drive and pay for my fro-yo, I sat in the car as she went ordered my favorite flavor coffee which subsided the tears for a while.

"So you're really prego," she said. "Yea I guess so," I responded. "Can I ask you a question, Noelle?" She asked. "Sure," I responded giving her a weak smile. Can I be the godmother to him or her, I know it's a big responsibility but I can handle it," she said.

I almost spit the fro-yo in my mouth out. "I'm serious Noelle," she said getting a little angry. "Sorry, but girl you do realize I just found out I'm pregnant and you're over here asking if you can be the godmother and plus I might not keep the kid," I said. "But let's say you do keep the kid then can I be the godmother," she asked. "Sure, maybe you can be the godfather too," I responded cracking up. "That's not even funny," she said. But a minute later she started laughing along with me.

We switched seats and I dropped her at home, then went straight to bed thinking to myself how could I let this happen was I really gonna be a mom and was I gonna be a good one, that night I cried myself to sleep hoping that this could all just be a dream.

The next day was a mood kill, my mom made me stay home because she was convinced that I was still sick, and at school, they were giving cake because it was our principal's last day and I was gonna miss it all.

My mom stayed home to take care of me while my dad was doing a half-day so we could spend some time as a family, I wasn't sure what I was gonna do with the baby and it all but I had to at least let Cam and my parents know. Boy, I was going to be in heck load of trouble.

It was about 12:30 when my dad came home my mom was busy making lunch for the three of us. "Mmmm, it smells good all up in here," my dad said. He went into the kitchen to kiss my mom. "Why don't you take your cute butt and go sit down in that chair over there." My mom said starting to chuckle. "Ok baby," my dad responded while chucking with her. To be honest, my parents were so adorable, they got married young when my mom got pregnant with me in college nobody believed that they would make it but here they are, she never wanted for me to live the life she did but I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, overall they were cute except when I could hear them at night.

After eating lunch we played some board games and brought up some good memories which made it feel like this was the perfect time to make a new a memory.

"Mommy, daddy I have to tell you guys something," I said feeling nervous. "What is it?" They questioned. "I'm pregnant, I'm so sorry," I said. Neither of them said anything for 5 minutes, with the silence I started to cry, I took a look at my mom and saw her with tears in her eyes, My dad looked like he saw someone die. That's when I broke down.

"Can you guys say something, anything," I said. "Oh, Mija I never wanted this life for you, you're so young." My mom said. She started to cry causing me to cry more, my silent dad held me close and told me it was ok. "Baby girl it's ok no matter what happens me and your mom are gonna be by your side all the time through anything." He said while kissing my forehead. And we all hugged while we cried. "So who is my grandson or grandaughter's father," my dad asked. "umm that's a story for another day," I responded. My mom and dad laughed and though we were crying everything felt perfect.

The rest of that day went perfectly as if nothing happened my mom set up appointments for me and my dad treated me like I was his princess and my mom was his queen.

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