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"Noelle, Noelle wake up!" I felt Darius shaking my shoulders and the sound of his faint voice as I started to wake up. "Darius, what's up," I said trying to play it cool. "What's up, is that all you can say, you almost scared me half to death," he said frantically. "About that, I'm so sorry for making you worry I guess I've been a little more stressed out lately," "Noelle you never have to be sorry for being stressed out, everybody gets stressed out," he spoke to me calmly "Just don't push yourself over the edge." I nodded my head to him, I knew being pregnant with Cameron's baby and not telling him was too much, I need to find to tell him and soon. Darius turned to leave I stopped him, "Wait before you go my answer is yes, pick me up at 6:30," I grinned at him and walked inside the house.

When I got inside I ran upstairs and face-timed Aaliyah. We talked about Darius, Cameron, and Kyle. "Babe are you sure you wanna go on a date with Darius," she asked me. "Why, what's wrong," I answered confused. "Well for one you're um prego, you haven't told the father, and I'm pretty sure you're still crushing on Cam, do you really wanna involve him into your baby drama," she said bluntly. I had never thought about how my situation would affect the others around me, I really wanted to go on the date with Darius but I didn't wanna mess up his life with my problems.

Me and Aaliyah talked about school and other things for a bit more before going to sleep, my parents didn't come back till after I slept so I still didn't know about Kyle. That night I dreamed of Cameron, I know I was going on a date with Darius but I still couldn't manage to get over Cameron he was all I could think about, when I'm with him it's like my brain starts shooting fireworks. I realized that I can't move on with Darius without telling Cameron the truth about everything.

Over the next few days, I avoided going to the hospital, it wasn't that I didn't want to check up on Kyle it's just that whenever I thought of him it was too much to handle especially now that he could wake up any day now. Darius had asked me to go on a date on Monday which was two days ago so I chose today to be the day where I tell Cameron everything and put all the cards on the table.

"Hey Cam," I spoke to him. He nodded to me while looking at his phone, "Um Cam, can you pay attention to me," I said. "Yea sorry, I was just looking at something," he put down his phone and looked at me. When he started looking at me I started getting butterflies, it was like I was in his trance. Focus Noelle he doesn't have all day I thought to myself, "Cam do you think we can talk later today," I asked him, "Sure," he responded "Does 6 work for you at our usual place," I asked again "Yea I think so," he said " Ok see you then" I walked to class thinking about how I was gonna tell him.

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