Can We Just Talk?

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I got to our spot at 5:45 because I needed time to be in my thoughts and think about what I was going to say to him about our situation. I looked at the purple tree that we created so many memories next to and the bench where we talked about stuff only the both of us knew, then I remembered how and why I fell for him.

I had fallen off the tree branch climbing and twisted my ankle, Cam put me on his back and carried me all the way home. I cried the entire ride so when we got to my house he left to get my favorite ice cream. At the time I was taller and heavier than him but he still carried me despite the difficulty. Cameron has been there for me in anything and despite my feelings for him he is my most loyal friend, the person I trust the most, and most of all my best friend. What was I going to do if I lost him because of our recklessness?

It was finally 6 and I saw Cam coming up the hill. "So what's up?" he said to me. I gazed into to his eyes like I had multiple times before but this time it was different. "Noelle," he looked at me with worry and confusion, "What's wrong?" he asked me. "I..," I tried to say something but it was like the words were trapped in a spider's web. "Noelle whatever it is I can handle it," he said trying to reassure me, "So what's wrong?" I took a deep breath and told him everything.

I watched with tears streaming down my face as he walked away without another word. "Cam please wait," I begged him. He kept walking not even looking back for a second, I thought I was prepared for any situation but now I had no idea what I was going to do. I sat in my car and drove home,  Khalid's song Talk was playing on the radio and I turned it all the way up, it's like my car was psychic.

As the song played I thought about our conversation..."Cam I'm pregnant and it's yours," the words finally slipped from my lips as if they were water. He looked at me in shock and disbelief, this was the first time I had ever seen him so quiet. "Cam I know this is a lot to take in but please say something, anything." I asked him, he put his arms around me "I can't imagine what you've been going through," he whispered. I started to cry because the secret was out and I didn't have to hide it no more.

"How far along are you?" he questioned. "Uh I think I'm almost 3 months." I responded. He didn't say anything and suddenly I felt his arms let go of me. "Cam what's wrong?" I asked him. "How long have you known?" he responded. "I think about 2 months, why?" I questioned him because it seemed to be upsetting him. "Noelle you've known for 2 months that you pregnant with me, your best friend as the father?" he said as he raised his voice. "Well when you put it like that, it seem-" "There is no way to put it, I'm going to be a father and you didn't even have the courage to tell me?" he questioned as he cut me off, "Noelle I need some space, I don't wanna argue with you so please just give me time." He said as he began to walk away. I watched with tears streaming down my face as he walked away without another word. "Cam please wait," I begged him.
Back to the Present The words I need some space ran through mind over and over again as I drove home.

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