chapter 1

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Cameron pov

I can't get my mind off of Sofia and how much I like her I mean I  really like her I love her smile, laugh, eyes, hair, personality everything she is incredible and I feel so happy every time I think of her and I also get butterflies and can't stop smiling whenever she is around. There is just one problem I can't say anything as our families and friends wouldn't approve because of our ages as I'm only 20 and she is 26 not like that matters to me at all age is just a number right? Also we are very good friends and I wouldn't want to spoil our friendship also I don't know if Sofia feels the same about me and I wouldn't want to start making things awkward between us. I must admit tho it is getting hard for me to hide my feelings.

Sofias pov

I can't stop thinking about Cameron and how amazing he is from his cute freckles to his gorgeous smile/eyes to his amazing personality everything about him makes me fall in love with him hang on a min what are you saying Sofia snap out of it you shouldn't be having these feelings for a 20 year old you should look at him as your brother nothing more. What would everyone think if they know how I was feeling for a 20 year old? Would they approve knowing I'm 26? I don't know but I don't won't to ruin things to find out I shouldn't be feeling like this anyway I need to snap  out of it and distant myself from him a little maybe that will help.  Yeah I deffently think that's what I need to do .......

To be continued

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