The wolf

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Elsa POV

I Felt like someone was watching me so I turn around and saw a wolf. A white wolf just laying there. It was looking directly at me. I think I just got the chills, so I ran inside the castle and ran to my room and shut it. I closed my window and locked it and closed the curtains.

After I locked everything in my room, I then sat on my bed feeling scared. Then I heard someone knocking on my window. " who it it" I said with a scary tone. I waited for an answer and none. I open the curtains and scream at the sight. It was the wolf but it was flying. Then I saw something shiny. I looked at it and it was the locket.

I started touching my neck and the locket wasn't there anymore. So the wolf was holding my locket. I open the window and the wolf walked in my room.

Me: um can I have my locket mr. Wolf

Wolf: oh here

Me: AHHH!!! You- you- you can talk

Wolf: oh my bad for scaring you

Me: this is a dream

Wolf: no it's real

Me: it can't be

The wolf gave me my locket

Wolf: now let me introduce myself, I'm cloud ( gender: male)

Me: why is your name cloud

Cloud: because my owners think I look like a cloud, now what's your name

Me: queen elsa of arrendle

Cloud:nice to meet you, now shall we talk about why I'm here

Me: why are you here

Cloud: um I'm here to help you

Me: help what, I don't need any help

Cloud: your sister anna

Me: how do you know my sister

Cloud: long story short

Me: i want to know

Cloud:darling you need some rest

Me: no I want to know how you know my sister

Cloud: get some rest tomorrow I will tell you everything ok

Me: fine

I laid down on my bed. I was all tucked in. Then I looked at the cloud and he was gone. Creepy

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