Chapter 11

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- the next morning at the castle-

Elsa just woke up and started taking a shower, then brushing her teeth, put on her ice blue dress, braid her hair, and went to the window and started calling cloud

Few minutes later cloud came by

Elsa: can you tell me the story

Cloud: yes

Cloud POV

I went to arrendle castle becuse I know elsa really want to know the story. When I got there I started the story...
Me:It all started when my owners kicked me out of the house because I was getting to messy or something like that. I went to the woods and walked around until I saw a giant marshmallow. He was walking toward somewhere. So I followed him

Elsa: wait that means you know where anna is

Me: well let me finish my story

Me: I followed him until I saw him melting. When he melt he dropped a girl with ginger hair. She said her name was anna. I told her my name. Then it ask her what happen because she was wearing a wedding dress. So she told me the whole story. After that I went to get fresh berries for her. After that we talked and talked all evening until I saw crows flying around

Elsa: danger!?

Me: yea danger. I told anna to get on my back. She wouldn't listen. I kept telling her but she said no. Then anna and I saw a man with sideburns. He came closer and closer. I yell at anna to get on me and she finally listen. I ran through trees bushes and vines. Until I felt someone shot me down. Anna scream at the sight. I was whipped by the man with sideburns

Elsa: wait did he had ginger hair

Me: yes

Elsa: that was hans

Me: back to my point. So I had a giant scar that hurt so bad. The last thing I saw was the man dragging anna to somewhere but I don't know where. The end

Elsa: anna is in great danger then, wait you said a man with sideburns, ginger hair, anything else

Me: sideburns were ginger too, pointy nose, wore a fancy suit and wore a crown

Elsa: ITS HANS, but this note

Elsa gave me the note and I read it

Me: this hans guy escape prison and is now king. Worst.king.ever

Elsa: I thought he would help us but I guess not

Me: wait does that means hans kidnaped the bride which was your sister

Elsa: yes now we have to find hans

Me: let's go find hans

: hi I'm... Elsa woah what's that

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