The crime

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Jack: it is dark elsa

Hans: how you know, what if it's not elsa

Jack: you don't know, now get some rest, you need it for tomorrow

Hans fell asleep

The next day

Everyone went into the castle for a court room crime.few minutes later the judge came in and she was.... Judge puppy
First elsa came in the room. Then.... Jack

Elsa: jack your supposed to be on my side

Jack: well I'm not because I'm against you

Elsa: what

Judge puppy: ORDER IN THE COURT, elsa tell your story

Elsa: so hans escape prison when the wedding started. That when the attack came. So hans must of done it because he wanted revenge on me. A lovely, lonely, pretty queen. And hans the other hand is ugly as crap

Judge puppy: HEY! Now we don't do this not in this courtroom

Elsa: but this-

Judge puppy: shhhh, jack your story

Jack: hans has been framed


Jack: he didn't do it hans went straight to the southern isles and had his correction because his father was killed by one of his brothers

Hans: what no

Jack: oh never mind, his father was murder by dark elsa

Pitch: um no, that not correct

Jack: oh then he was murder by toothless I got nothing else

Hiccup: no

Judge puppy: jack do you know who murder hans father

Jack: no

Elsa: well I do

Jack: you do

Judge puppy: you do

Elsa: yes and it was anna

*what faces*

Elsa: yes I know it all now

Jack: the whole story

Elsa: yup, anna just wanted attention from us

Jack: is that true anna

Anna: Fine yes, I wanted attention so I made pitch made the pirates and ships and made hans to look like he kidnapped me. All I wanted was attention because nobody care for me. Not even my wedding

Elsa: I care you anna as a sister

Anna: no you don't I see you at the seats and your probably looking at somewhere else off in space

Elsa: anna that's not true

Anna: yes it is and you guys didn't even come

Merdia: I was busy anna with mother problems and marriage myself

Hiccup: I had dragon training

Jack: protecting kids

Rapunzel: I did came

Anna: only elsa and rapunzel and the people of our village came nobody else

Elsa: anna do you want to start over the wedding this time with all of us

Anna: yes please

Judge puppy: this case is closed -walk out of the room-

Elsa: let's get ready then anna

The big five 2: The Missing BrideWhere stories live. Discover now