Chapter 14

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Jack just finish the "talk" with Hans

Jack: never steal my girl

Jack walked off to elsa room. Before he knocked on elsa door, he heard giggling and it sound like elsa

Jack: don't tell me there is another man

Jack knocked on elsa door and elsa open it

Elsa: yes jack

Jack: hey elsa I was wondering, anna is back and everything is normal again-

Elsa: not everything we need to find the person who kidnapped anna, it's not Hans then who

Jack: elsa the truth is-

Cloud: elsa is there a problem

Jack eyes got huge when he saw a talking wolf

Jack: talking wolf

Cloud: I'm cloud you

Jack: ja- jack

Elsa: good you met now what were you saying jack

Jack: um uh oh yea

Jack whisper the true story on who found anna

Elsa: so you and Merdia and hiccup found anna

Jack: he told us if we didn't listen to what he say he will hurt us and I didn't want anyone hurt

Elsa: oh then let's hurt this bad guy

Cloud: wait elsa

Cloud sniff the air

Cloud: somethings wrong

Cloud sniff the air again. Then had a vision. After the vision he fell to the ground

Elsa: CLOUD?!?!

Jack picked up the wolf and layer him oh elsa bed

Elsa: cloud please be ok

Jack: it's ok he is breathing. So he is just sleeping...

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