Chapter 12

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- in the Forest-

: can I join

Merdia, anna, jack, and hiccup looked behind them they saw HANS!!!!!

Merdia: Hans what are your doing here

Jack: if your here to kidnaped anna again well too bad

Hiccup: you want to fight, we will fight

Hans: I'm just here to give you this

Hans gave them a letter but from who

Hans: it's from the queen, queen elsa

Merdia: but why would she give you the letter

Hans: read the letter

They read the letter

Dear jack, Merdia,hiccup,

I made Hans deliver this letter to you because I trust him now. He is here to help you guys.

- queen elsa

Jack: elsa would never say this, she hates you

Anna: and your the one who kidnapped me

Merdia: so why would we trust you

Hans: fine don't trust me, then here

Hans made a fire circle around them

Jack: you know we can fly right

Hans: not without these you can

Hans was holding jack staff and toothless

Hiccup: toothless

Hans: now I want you to go back to elsa with me and tell her that I found anna and I saved your butts

Jack: what if we don't want to listen to you

When jack said that he almost got hit with a fireball

Jack: we would love to say that

Anna: well I'm not saying that

When anna said that she got whip


Hans: oh I just did

Jack: guys we should do it

Hans: if you do it, I will stop doing all this evil thing

Hiccup: fine deal

Hiccup and Hans shook on it

Hiccup: let's go back

The big five 2: The Missing BrideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora