Chapter 3~

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Secrets were meant to be shared.. right? Afterall, that's what they did, they shared details of the incident, They know what happened.. You can't trust those who believe gossip though, right..? After all, you couldn't believe Jenna Rollin after she shared the information on the fire.
But everyone did, simple as that, secret shared.. it spreads, just like wild fire, to the next awaiting teen.
Did anyone believe them?
Only time will tell,
But Jeremy didn't have the patience, he didn't trust them, the other kids.
At all.
After all he's been through, why does he choose to trust Michael.. Rich?
He has to, his heart longs for the double dyed teen, longing to be noticed and loved..
Michael? Michael is just a pawn, a pawn to his plan, he's a special person to keep around.

The handgun was loaded, the curly haired teen's hands twirled the cartridge before closing it up.
A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, placing it in his waistband, before pulling his shirt over the handle.
You couldn't tell from first glance, he seemed like a normal teenager, but was he really normal..?
His feet clicked against the granite, stopping in front of the abandoned building he called a certain teen to.

"Jeremy, right? Why'd you call me here?"

'I wanted to show you something..'

The victim, an all too familiar ravenette, tape-quirked,
Jeremy took out the gun, his spare hand pulling up his mask.

"What the- why do you have that!"

'Don't worry.. it's filled with
I c h   L u g e bullets-'

"Ich luge, what now?"

"I scored these off of my grandad who scored them in World War II. They contain this powerful tranquilizer, The Nazis used them to fake their own suicides when the Russians invaded Berlin..'

Jeremy furrowed his brows, grabbing hold of the boy's arm, roughly slamming the gun to the side of his head, pushing him to the wooden floor, as the ravenette whimpered in pain.

"Come join us in hell.."

He held up the gun, smirking as the gunshot rang out amongst the abandoned building, blood splattering onto the ground and his clothes.
A small chuckle left his lips, turning into insane laughter, a psychotic gaze glistening within his eyes.
Lies are easy to believe when you're naive..
He pulled down his mask, glancing down at the handgun, popping the cartridge open.
"Five left.. geez, teens are getting more dumb."
He chuckled, placing it back into his waist band, running a hand through his hair.

He observed the corpse, blood protruding from the boy's neck, pouring out like a fountain.
He rolled his eyes, grabbing hold of the boy's ankles, dragging him down to the basement.
A blood trail was let behind, nothing too hard to clean, the floors were a polished wooden surface.
He threw the corpse down the stairs, standing straight to admire his masterpiece.
He grabbed hold of a crowbar, hacking away at a floorboard, yanking it up, and throwing it aside, a large hole lay just beneath it, perfect to hide the corpse.
He worked on this, perfect for the occasion, anyone getting too close to Rich, was going to get it.
He held no remorse behind his actions, his blood lust craving for more.
He chuckled, rolling Hanta's corpse in, securely placing the floorboard back over it like nothing happened after earning a distant thump from below.

It may seem.. strange for him to be doing this, the suspicion may all be on him, but he has an alibi, before he left Michael's new house, he drugged the brunette and double dyed dirty blonde after playing some.. video games with them.
When they wake up, high chances are, they'll just remember the three of them playing Apocalypse Of The Damned.
He had a motive and he was sticking by it,
No one was going to take Rich from him. Ever.
He chuckled to himself, walking up the stairs, to grab cleaning supplies before returning, and cleaning the bloody blotches off of each and every floorboard.

He left the building soon after, change into a clean pair of identical jeans and a hoodie.
He carried his bloody clothes in a black plastic bag, making his way out to the back of the abandoned building before dumping it onto the ground.
He striked a match, dropping it onto the plastic listening to the satisfying noises it let out, smirking softly.
He left the scene after the fire was put out, not a single trace of his clothing or blood around.


He awoke to hushed whispering between the two teens in the room with him, the TV seemed to be playing on a quiet volume.
He kept his eyes shut listening to the 'missing person' report as Michael and Rich mumbled to one another in the ensuite kitchen.
He couldn't hear them exactly an all too familiar voice echoing at the back of his mind, causing him to groan, 'stirring in his sleep slightly'.

'Target Male inaccessible'

Jeremy kept quiet, biting the inside of his cheek as pain coursed throughout his body causing him to flinch slightly.

'Callibration in process, excuse some mild discomfort.'

Fucking mild, yeah rig-
God fucking damn you!

He jolted upright, pain shooting throughout his limbs as the two teens looked up from the kitchen, glancing over at the brunette.
He didn't respond, curling up into a ball, letting them fall for his tricks.

'Callibration complete, access procedure initiated.'

His body shivered amongst the pain, his head resting against his knees as he let tears flow down his cheeks, staining his jeans.

'Discomfort levels may increase'

He whimpered, tears streaming as the teens quickly rushed over to him, arms were wrapped around him as he was pulled onto one of their laps, a hand rubbing reassuring circles on his back.
He sniffled, burying his face into Rich's chest, the smaller boy's body flinching at the sudden touch before running a hand through his brunette hair in attempt to calm him.

'Accessing neural memory,
Accessing muscle memory,
Access procedure complete.
Jeremy Heere, welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Processor.
Your SQUIP.'

He mentally took a sigh of relief, his body shaking in Rich's grasp as him and Michael shared a concerned look for their friend.
He slowly looked up, tears pouring down his cheeks, as he whimpered, his grip tightening on the boy's shirt.
"Hey.. what happened, Tall ath..?"
Michael carefully stood up, making a small gesture towards the kitchen as he stalked off.
He raised his shaky hands, making a small sign.
And with that, he was welcomed into a hug, curled up in a ball across the boy's lap, arms around his shoulders as he hugged him.

Michael soon returned, sitting beside the two, as he sighed.
He made a small mime asking what happened, just to be informed that he had a 'nightmare' in which he believed of course.
Him and Rich knew that Jeremy had continuous thoughts back to the incident back at New Jersey, as the anxious brunette 'blamed' himself over it all.
After all, he nearly destroyed all of humanity-
However, in all the truth, Jeremy felt nothing towards it. Nothing at all, all he felt was freedom, he felt free now that he was away from there.
There was too many knowing people he left behind, too many people knowing of his past.

Too many of those knowing what he did, what they all did.
What he was capable of..
'Hello Jeremy, welcome back.'
He turned his head, facing Rich's neck, who flushed at his action.

Welcome back indeed, I can't wait to get started.

𝐒𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐬~ (Bi-Cycle)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon