Chapter 5~

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He cried any time he could, the case falling, claiming he was nothing but a child, and that he wouldn't dream of hurting anyone. He had an excuse for every little blame that was put upon him, the crime being called off as a suicide.
He got away with it, the death of Monoma, a class 1-B student, after all he was suspected to be mentally unstable.
Why? The way he acted towards class 1-A, but it was said it was all an act, an act to hide how he truly felt. Acting mean towards other when in reality, he couldn't stand himself.
Simple logic really, Jeremy pulled off the murder easily, being let off with a simple solution of 'going to therapy'.
But he was let off the hook with that too, saying he and his father acted close enough to help one another.

Lie after lie, pouring out without being suspected or having a second thought about.
He returned to school a few days after the trial, everyone knew of what happened, and everyone felt bad for the brunette.
They thought he was 'sad', feeling bad for walking into such a 'scene' like that.
But he didn't care, he was treated like royalty by his classmates and teachers.
A mercilist, when will you learn?
He sets fires, just to watch them burn, if anyone knew the truth they'd probably hate him.
But he needed a fight, and he had certain people in his sight, only one of them was going to make it out alive.

The pencil he was holding snapped with a soft crack, causing him to look down at it, his hands were shaking as Rich sighed, passing him yet another.
"Be careful.. tall athh, I don't have many left."
He meekly nodded, sighing as he thanked him with a small sign of the hands, turning back to his desk.
He knew what he was doing, yet.. at the same time he couldn't control his own actions.
Whenever he began to write something, his mind would wander, his hand moving on it's own, If he didn't know any better..
Squip was in control, or, well- he believed so anyway, Shinsou and Rich were engaged in their own work, so they couldn't be controlling him.
So, Squip was the only thing he could think of, controlling him, not that he minded.

He looked the same, but he wasn't fine, a master of his own disguise.
He sighed, rubbing his eyes, in attempt to awaken his mental state a little more, not that he expected it to work of course.
But, as expected, nothing happened, his eyes began to droop more as he attempted to sit up.
Nothing worked, his body just slumped down once more, a student or two noticed his behaviour, feeling bad for the brunette.
He flinched as the sensei spoke, dark raven, black hair, her posture tall and sturdy.

"Would you like to step outside for a second? I'm sure you'd like a break,"

Jeremy meekly nodded, leaving with a small gesture of 'thank you'.
He leaned against the wall, closing his eyes as he ran a hand through his messy, unkept hair.
He sighed, fingers twitching as he curled them into fists, blinking quickly in attempt to stay awake.
He dug his nails into his palm, but no such pain flooded through him like he wished it did, he longed for the sight of blood.
Any type, his own, a students, a teachers.. civilians, perhaps one of his own kind, a killers.
He snarled, his mask over his face, blocking out his facial expression easily.

He longed for the pain, or perhaps..
Love, any sort of it, but at the same time, his father was beginning to drive him mad.
Too pushy, caring.. but pushy, he understood why.
But he also knew that he was frightened of him, his own son.
He didn't blame him, at all. If you found your child, parent.. or friend clutching a knife within a state that was incomprehensible, what would you do?
Awaken them from their fucked up mind?
I don't think that's possible, once you're gone.
You're gone,
No sign of returning from the depths of your mind.
Once you crave the beautiful look of blood, that's when you know you've lost it, your state of sanity.
But who was to blame?
Certainly not yourself, you were driven to this state, the state of insanity, the state of longing for the beautiful, metallic tasting paint.

"Are you okay..?"

He looked up, snapping out of his thoughts ghost-like eyes meeting the violette's.
"Ms. Midnight asked me to check on you.. you were mumbling about something not being your fault, want to talk about it?"
He shook his head, glancing at the classroom door, shut.
"We can ditch classes for a bit if you want?"
He shakily nodded, letting the teen lead him through the hallways, his head spinning with each and every step he took.
Their shoes clicked against the polished flooring, no words spoken until they ended up at the roof, taking a seat on a bench.

"Care to share what's bothering you? I understand that you were the one to find.. Monoma's body in the bathroom, but you need to.. well, understand it wasn't your fault. Clear your mind, tell me;"

He glanced at the brunette, knowing full well that the boy had to infact agree with him and sign, as his quirk didn't work against one who didn't speak.

'You don't understand, and I forbid anyone but the three of us to know.'

He referred back to Michael and Rich, narrowing his eyes as he looked into the teen's purple orbs. If looks could kill, he'd more than likely be dead, erased from the torturous world in which he lived in.
But sadly, it didn't work that way, Shinso wasn't capable of that.
Jeremy however?
More than capable, in control, and blood pumping steadily through his veins, monsters in his head, deciding the boy's fate.

"You need to talk to someone, I don't care what it was, tell m-"

He stopped talking, his body freezing, removing completely, the shadow vision taking over, his heart pumping against the void of his body.
Blood flooding through each vein within him, his arteries working perfectly.
Such a shame, really,
It wouldn't last for much longer, nor did Jeremy seem to mind, he clenched his fists, eyebrows burrowing as the violette stood.
His body working against his own will as his eyes turned to a fizzling static look, standing out amongst his shadowy figure.

Jeremy crossed his arms over one another, the violette's body slowly rising from the ground, his feet hovering a few inches above it.
The brunette smirked, roughly thrusting his arms out by his sides, holding up within the air.
Shinso fell, his body making contact with the ground, a sickening crack coming from the body.
The vision faded, the shadow collapsing, fading down to the ground, no longer standing on the earth.

It was replaced with Shinso's body, his right arm cracked and snapped to the side, broken beyond repair.
The milky white bone stuck out from his elbow, blood pouring down, dripping onto the ground beneath him.
The violette screamed, his eyes rolling back as he passed out from the pain.

Jeremy chuckled, clicking his tongue as he watched the world around him faze away, his body jolting up from the hallway in which he was leaned against.
He groaned, rubbing his eyes, casting some sense of energy to him.
Everything seemed so surreal, nothing seemed real, fake..
All fake,
Left for dead,
Bounty upon his head, counting up. But he had to keep moving along, he wouldn't go down quietly. No one knew of what he did, nor were they going to.

I'm waiting~

𝐒𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐬~ (Bi-Cycle)Where stories live. Discover now