Chapter 6~

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Shoes clicking against the smooth concrete, as his hands latched onto the window frame, pulling himself up with a small grunt.
The distant noises of the television playing in the living room caused him to smirk, knowing the dirty blonde would be awake, or on the way to passing out soon enough.
He smiled, pulling up the unlocked window, clicking it into place as he pulled himself up onto the windowsill, sitting down comfortably to gaze inside.
Rich's attention moved from the kitchen to the now open window as Jeremy knocked on the wooden frame.

"Knock, knock."

Rich perked up from the kitchen at the all too familiar voice, leaving the ensuite room, to walk down the hallway, stopping once he noticed the brunette.
His colourful orbs widened, glistening over with tears, as he looked over Jeremy.
"Sorry for coming in through the window, dreadful etiquette, I know."
Rich ran a hand through his messy hair, Jeremy smiling softly at him, his feet making contact with the wooden flooring beneath him.
"Y-you can.. you c-can thpeak.."
The brunette bowed his head, a small nod noticeable in the dim lighting of the house.

"Of course, I just prefer not to.."
He stepped forward, his shoes clicking with each step he took, stopping infront of the dirty blonde.
The size difference not as different any longer, Rich hitting a growth spurt a year or so back before the move. The difference between the two teens being nothing more than an inch and a ½ .
The brunette's fingers entwined with the slightly smaller boy's belt loops, pulling their waist's together.
Their foreheads met, the light of a candle flickering gently in the smooth breeze, lighting up the two boys.
Rich opened his mouth to speak, before Jeremy lifted a finger to them, pulling them away, to caress the boy's cheek as their lips collided.

The smaller boy's eyes widened before fluttering shut, arms wrapping around the brunette's shoulders, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened.
Lips moved in sync, Jeremy slipping his tongue into Rich's mouth without warning causing him to moan gently.
The cherished kiss was smooth and gentle, Rich pushing him against the wall with a small smirk, their bodies colliding with passion, and love.
His jaws clamped down on Jeremy's bottom lip, earning a groan from him, before pulling away, foreheads meeting once more as they caught their breathes, allowing the string of slavia to drip down.

Silence overhung them, a comforting sense towards it, as they enjoyed one another's company, until Rich's voice cut through the air, compassion laced in his tone.
"That wath amazing.."
Jeremy chuckled, placing a soft kiss onto the boy's button nose,bowing his head with a small nod, their gaze meeting.
"I love you.. will you be my boyfriend..?"
Rich was taken back by the bluntness of his words, but his calming tone caused him to nod softly, their lips connecting once more.

"Y-yeah, of courthe."
He smiled up at him, his lips brushed against the brunette's ear with his shy voice humming softly.
Jeremy smiled, letting the blonde lower his head to his neck, causing the taller to hum; letting out a small breathy moan as he leaned his head against the wall, allowing Rich to mark him.
Every touch felt like heaven to the love sick boy, the soft graze of the dirty blonde's teeth against his delicate porcelain skin, caused him to relax at his touch. Enjoying every second of it, his fingers entwined within the back of his hair, softly tugging on his luscious locks.
Rich hummed in pleasure, biting down onto the sensitive skin, leaving a dark red mark behind, before gently sucking over where he marked.

They soon pulled apart, hands entwining as the warmth spread throughout their body's, hearts fluttering with every brush of skin, kiss and touch.
Each of them were touch starved, longing for more, cuddles, kisses and makeouts were what they longed for.
To be themselves, having someone love them for who they were, making their heart's melt, being one another's favourite in the whole world.
That, was what they could do, stay close, every little touch, kiss, brush of skin..
It made their hearts flutter, eyes bat and body weaken, their bond grew.
Their mental states no longer wishing to leave one another's presence, wanting to stay together..

They managed to curl up together in the king sized bed, Rich spooning Jermey from behind, resting his chin upon the boy's shoulder, leaving gentle kisses over the nape of his neck, before nibbling on his ear lobe earning small moans from the boy beneath him.
"I love you.."
His voice was husky and deep, his lips brushing against his ear, causing a shiver to course through Jeremy's spine, arching his back against him slightly, looking up to meet his gaze.
"I love you too,"
Their lips met, a soft kiss shared between the two, Jeremy turning to face him, not breaking their contact as he gently caressed the dirty blonde's thigh.

A low groan escaped the boy's lips, their tongues entwined together softly dancing in the wet cavern they shared, hands gently caressing one another's bodies. Every little touch feeling like the most loving thing they had ever felt, making sure they cherished every second that they shared.
Small kisses were shared, Jeremy tucking a stray stand of hair away from Rich's face, before peppering his face with soft butterfly kisses, earning giggles from his partner.
Their foreheads met, eyes glistening as they gazed lovingly into one another's, cheeks flushed with a light pink; noses touching with a small eskimo kiss, smiles stretching across their faces.

"I love you so much.."

"I love you too,"

Each word was like a blessing, each touch was like a drug, and yet.. they were addicted, the world fading away, focusing on one another.
Eyes not leaving one anothers, soft blinks as their dark eyelashes tangled together, soft breathes against their skin.
Everything felt beautiful,
Their bonds unbreakable, as they shared the moment together, every single second ticking by slowly.
The world focusing on the two lovers, perfectly made,
They were perfection..
It's sad how even the most beautiful flowers wilt..

Enjoy it while it lasts, rivals are multiplying~..

𝐒𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐬~ (Bi-Cycle)Where stories live. Discover now