Chapter 7~

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Even the broken need love~

The world is a museum, filled with meaningless exhibits, you're unbelievable thinking you can change what's set in stone, but we take your words and bury them six feet below.
Every failure to them, is a victory to him.

Morning swung by slowly, the two boy's awakening to each other's embrace, eyelashes batting as they fluttered open. A small meaningful kiss was shared before they began to get ready for the day ahead of them.
Michael gave them a ride to school, and just like that, the crimes were forgotten.
No one suspected the brunette among them, nor were they going to.
Nobody understood his sociopathic needs, his own boyfriend didn't either.
Not that Jeremy minded, not at all, as long as he was let off the hook; nothing mattered.
As long as he kept him all to himself.

"If you're in my class to stare out of the window, you can leave."

He snapped back to the front of his class, signing a small apology, sighing as he forced himself to listen to the lecture.
Rich smiled softly over at him, as Jeremy sighed, rubbing his eyes with a small yawn. Thinking about it, he only just realised the Violette was still in the class, a sling over his broken arm, and tired eyes staring forward like a daze.
Maybe he did damage the boy more than he thought, not like he could be blamed for what happened to him though; after all, no proof, Shinsou didn't seem to remember anything.

"You okay..?"

He hummed, glancing over at Rich, giving him a reassuring smile and nod. 'Yeah.. just tired.'
He raised a brow before shrugging.
"You th'lept like a baby, though."
His cheeks flushed softly at his words, Jeremy's doing the same.
'I guess so, heh, nevermind.. I haven't been able to sleep for a while, last night was the first in a week or two.'
The dirty blonde's eyes glistened with concern, as he wished to say more, but he realised the teacher giving them a death glare, so he stayed quiet. Making sure they finished their conversation later.

Classes were a bore, no surprise there, but they knew how helpful the lessons should be, but no one there seemed to pay attention. The day drowned on and on, lectures sending the students crazy, even Midoriya seemed to find it hard to concentrate.
Maybe it was because of the crimes, maybe everyone was more affected than Jeremy thought.
But, in a way, he liked it this way. Even the biggest nerds of the class were finding it boring, hard to concentrate and wishing for their demise to end.
The quiet students were being more.. closed off, and the gossiping teenagers seemed to have an invisible clamp over their mouths, restricting them from speaking.
No one seemed normal,
No one seemed okay,
And there was nothing you could do about it.
Even the teacher's were less upbeat, the unsettling aura radiating throughout the school.

Everyone knew something was about to happen, and they were all at the edge of their seats.
Whenever a small noise, like a buzz of a cell, footstep in the hall, clanking of the lockers or the click of a pen;
It made each and every person flinch, Jeremy having to play it off to seem.. affected by the mishaps.
Everyone was paranoid, scared of something, anything.
But some..
They seemed as if they were waiting for it, with no objection, some of them longed for death where others feared it.
It was a mysterious concept really, but each and every student could be torn apart by the certain thing.

The bell for lunch was drawn out, the hallway lights flickering and causing shivers amongst the occupiers of the building.
"Can I talk to you, for a th'econd..?"
Jeremy only clicked his tongue in response with the bow of a head as he picked up his bag, pulling it over his shoulder before following Rich to the bathroom.
The door locked with a soft click, the two being the only ones in the room, Rich sighed, running a hand through his messy hair.
"What's bothering you.. really? Pleathe talk to me.."

He paused for a second a she cleared his voice, flinching at the sound of the hoarseness of it as he spoke I response.
"I just.. I can't concentrate, and I'm really tired.. but not, at the same time.."
The double dyed teen hesitated, before speaking once more.
"Physically or mentally? By the thounds of it, you don't th'eem okay.."

"I'm fine.. I'm just- okay, maybe my emotions aren't okay.. but I'm trying, okay..?"

"I.. come here, at lea'tht you're trying, and I'm here for you.."

The two boys embraced one another in a hug, sighing softly as they did so, it was funny how naive the other was. Maybe Jeremy wasn't really okay mentally, we figured that, he's a psychopathic murderer, possibly a sociopath along with that.
Not that it makes a difference.
No matter what, he was going to do everything he could to keep the boy to himself, and murder?
Murder was the perfect option if someone became too close to his lover.

Rich was Jeremy's,

And Jeremy was Rich's.

Perfectly formed for one another, their relationship the most important thing towards each other, if anyone got in the way..?
All hell was about to break loose, and they had the perfect plan to execute.
Children of the night,
But it was the only way to rule the world, to take each other to the dark side.
To go together, casting darkness upon those who tried to stop any of their perfectly made plans.
Love spreading like wildfire amongst the two, revenge being dished out and served to those who disagreed.
They were the nightmares casting deep within your heart, when you knew something was wrong-
They're your worst and best dream~
You'll never see it coming, so watch your step before you cast a bad reputation amongst yourself.

Everyone knew their time was to come, and there was always a process to pay, but the lovers?
They smiled, satisfaction growing upon their faces, casting upon the others, towering over everyone else's life forms.
Their plans were ready to be executed next, their hearts were painted black, knowing that the victims would struggle~
Being bad has never felt so good, with each and every sinister thought that came to mind,

Maybe being the villain to this Love Story wasn't such a bad thing~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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