Chapter 4~

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Footsteps echoing through the halls, clusters of teenagers crowding around the billboards, chatter and gossip spreading like an array of unforeseen words~
After all, gossip never hurt anybody, oh wait.. nevermind, it did.
Jeremy walked in silence, his friends on either side of him, before stopping in front of a missing person poster, a picture printing up of Hanta Sero.
The teens stood analysing it, Jeremy already knowing the details, but read through it anyway; didn't want to seem suspicious now, did he~?
The bell rung through the halls, causing the loitering students to rush off to their lessons.
The three made their way to class, sitting back in the desks, Jeremy pulling his mask over the bottom half of his mouth, keeping his head down.

The classroom seemed to be quieter the more classmates that arrived, one of their rays of sunshine had gone.
Nowhere to be seen.
He smirked lightly, not noticable beneath the dark fabric, the sound of someone's hands slamming down on the table caused him to look up, just like everyone else.
A red head seemed to be the culprit, his spiked hair drooping over his bandana slightly.
Iida was alerted by the noise, walking up to him, Jeremy watching intently.
"They have to have taken him.. ri-ght..?"
His voice cracked in his sentence, a tone of worry lacking through his words like a needle through skin~

"We're not aware of the details, so, take a seat; Kirishima."
The red head shook his head, classmates staying quiet as they observed what was happening.

"We lost Bakugou before, we can't go through that with someone else!"

"Wait for the pro hero's to take care of it, take a seat."


"Sit down,"

Kirishima reluctantly took a seat, running a hand through his hair, as Iida sighed; taking a seat himself as everyone's attention was casted on their home room teacher.
"I guess you all heard about the news,"
He stood, hands pocketed and his posture slouched, eyes blood shot and dark bags beneath his eyes.

"Hanta Sero is indeed missing, but the police and heroes have no leads. You may believe this is yet another villain attack, but if we use the logic that we came up with.. well, we don't have an exact reason why they would choose to take Hanta out of everyone here."

Jeremy's posture no longer slouched, sitting up slightly but not too noticeable, his classmates seemed worried.. guilty even, so he played off the act too.
A classmate being kidnapped before~?
The league of villains is a popular association around here, Jeremy.
Thank you, for the information.

"I suggest everyone walks home alone so none of you are taken too, bigger groups decrease the chances of being taken out in the open, stay close to populated areas. Any questions?"

Stick with Michael and Rich for now, I have a plan.
If you say so, let me down and I no longer trust you.
Hard bargin, deal.

"Couldn't we just check the security prevalence cameras?"
Didn't think of that..
"I'm afraid not, there seemed to be some sort of electrical problem to the recording system."
I did, better be thankful.
"Did it seem like a quirk problem.. or an unexplained one, sensei?"
Midoriya Izuku, AllMight's successor of his quirk, an analyser in a way..
Next victim?
Perhaps.. we'll see of his relationship with Rich.
As you wish.
"Unexplained I'm afraid, all electricity based civilians and heroes seemed to be unaffected. If it was quirk based, I'm sure we'd have reports of all of the electrical quirked; well.. being affected."

"What do you mean.. sensei?"
Denki Kaminari, electricity quirked, right arm heavily bandaged from yesterday's activities, his eyes filled with hurt and guilt.
"I mean, you'd more than likely be affected if it was of the such.. either minorly or majory, depending on your activities at the time."
Denki gulped, nodding as he sighed, sitting quietly, no longer speaking.

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