Diamonds and laces

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You are the one
Who is here for me
You are the only one
Who can hear me

You are the only one
Whom I trust now
So I am gonna keep you safe in my heart
And I will never let you go.

You are the light I see
When the darkness tries to engulf me
You make me strong enough
To stand and face my miseries.

You are the path I find
When I am lost and am blind.
You cheer me up every time
When I am broken and out of my mind.

I know deep down
You never let me fall.
And you can make my day better
In a single phone call.

All along you've been there with me
But I took four years to find you.
Now I made you a part of me
So that I'll never lose you.

No one ever can take your place
You are more precious
Than diamonds and laces.
You opened my eyes and heart
I know you will be with me
And we will never part.

- Nandhika Vardhini


Hello guys. This poem is dedicated to one precious person who I value more than words can explain. Every time I am broken, she picks my pieces and fixes me in a more beautiful way. So this is something I wrote for her hope you like it.

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