Chapter 3

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"M...Minx are you okay?" Felix realised that he had really hurt Minx.
"Yeah I'm good, but why! Why are you stopping? Go on, tell me!" Minx felt a tear slip down her cheek and one of her purple strands sticking to her wet face.
"Well... It's just you're always spending time with Andy and Dave and you are always bailing on us. Michelle we love playing games with you, your a great lass it's just you need to find time for us." Felix held his breath until Minx replied.
"Wow just wow! Goodbye Felix..." Minx hung up the call. Tears were running down her face like crazy, her friends, well the people she thought were her friends betrayed her. Suddenly Minx felt two hand touch he shoulders.
"Oh my god Minx. Are you okay?" It was Andy.
"Yea... Yea...." Suddenly Minx broke down into tears. Andy didn't know how to deal with girls when they were in a state like this. All he knew that was he should give her a hug so she had a shoulder to cry on.
"Poor Minx! You want me to get Krism too comfort you?"
" thanks Andy, I'd rather be in the company of a good friend." Minx sobbed.
"Minx! Are you okay?" Dave burst into the room.
"She's been better." Andy said. Suddenly Krism came up to see what was going on. Andy passed Minx to Krism so she could comfort her. Dave pushed Minx's hair behind her ear so it never got stuck to her tear covered cheeks.
"Nobody does this to my bebe! Nobody!" Grumbled Krism as Minx finally calmed down. Andy and Dave exchanged glances with each other, both of them knew that something bad was going to happen.

A MangaMinx, KrismPro and Andythebalrog Fanfic!Where stories live. Discover now