a carriage?

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I walk into the . . . carriage? With Madge at my side and ask her what is going on. 

"What the fu-?" Clove interrupts me

"They are very . . . old fashioned. They like it better this way. Although it is a lot bigger and heavier with 20 seats and all, but . . . you know."

Clove motions me to look in the rear view mirror. She made me put on a top, without looking, if did, she would make be wear a top that shows the bottom of my bra. The words on my top are  'I can with-stand fire, especially yours' with it showing my stomach just above my belly button. It is a black top with a hole, so you can tie it up, the words are white and have black smudged into it. The shorts are denim and have little white strings dangling of, making it look like it was ripped. The size of the shorts made me gag.  

"I hate you," I said loud enough, so that she could hear, but no one else could. 

I heard someone cat call at the back and I knew all eyes were on me, so I gave the guy the finger without looking and I sat at the opposite side. I sat next to the window seat and stared outside. 

Someone sat next to me and I assumed it is Clove, and I said still looking out the window.

"I can't believe you made me wear this shit. Although seriously, what I can't believe more, is that you didn't go sit next to some boy and-" that was when I chose to look at Clove.

It isn't Clove. Although he has the same stupid smirk. I looked around the room to see Clove flirting hopelessly with some guy.

I was about to get up and move seats, but I realised, I'm at the seat furthest from the ail, I look at him. I'm not 'looking, looking', but showing him that I would punch his face in if he doesn't say anything within 2 seconds, or something that I didn't want to hear.

"Do you want a sugar cube?"

I was ready to punch his face. 

I properly look at him now. He is wearing a skin-tight shirt that outlined his six-pack and has green pants. I could tell that he spent too much time 'woo'-ing girls. He saw me looking at his abs and I glared at him when he started chuckling.

"No thanks, but I would love to borrow that outfit some day." I say while rolling my eyes, with sarcasm dripping from my mouth.

"You look pretty terrifying in that  get up." 

I was totally ready to punch him, but instead I sat still wanting to get off this stupid bus-carriage thing

"Its a shame you didn't live in the Capitol. You would of made out like a bandit, jewels, money anything you wanted." What did that mean? I dunno, and I know I don't want to. 

"Well, I don't like I have jewels and I have more money than I need, so what do you do with all your wealth anyway?" I can remember some thing about him, but I don't know how or why. 

"Oh, I haven't dealt with something as common as money in years."

"Than how do people pay you the pleasure of your company?" I could straight away tell that I step over the line, he leaned in closer to me. More than I was comfortable with. 1.5 metres would be good. (AN Ya see what I did there😉)

"Secrets," He whispered centimetres away from my face. I could smell The ocean in his breath and see it in his eyes. His eyes flicked down to my lips, noticeably.

"So any secrets worth my time, Girl on fire?" He said, still looking at my lips.  

"I'm an open book, everybody seems to know them before I know them myself, " I said raising my eyes at him.

"Unfortunately, I think that's true." 

He stopped looking and the carriage stopped moving. He moves out from where we were sitting, but not before giving me a wink. Thank God he Finally stopped talking! 

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