Getting a taste of high school

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I looked around the carriage and saw Clove making out with a boy who looked like he did it for a living.

I got off the carriage and went to the front desk. 

"Hello dear," when she spoke, I'm surprised a glass didn't shatter. "You must be Katniss Everdeen, yes? Okay, your locker number is 075." She hands me the key and whispers in my ear, "good luck dear." 

She has a name badge that says Effie Trinket and she has a wig the is golden. There is way too much pink on her top, but she is nice, never the less.

I don't ask because I can tell she wasn't meant to say anything and I say "thank you, Effie." 

I make my way over to my locker, but a girl is having a make out session on it. I sigh.

"Um HI!!!!" I say startling him, so she takes out chewing-gum and looks bored. "I would love it if-" She interrupts me, that girl has some gut.

"I will sign your autograph later," and she goes back to it. I just look Ms. Bubble-gum in disgust. I can not and will not deal with this bitch right now.

"If you would let me finish my sentence last time, than you would know don't give a shit, so do not interrupt me again. MOVE." I snap back and then a crowd starts forming. She stopped, and showed the boy the hand, he took that as his queue to leave. 

"I don't think you know the rules around here. I am Glimmer-" I interrupt her.

"The school bitch, yep keep going," I say pretending that I am noting it down. A few people just look shocked that I said that, others smirked and some tried not to laugh.

"And-" She continues saying, but I interrupt her again, "you do men? Like the dude that just left?" Some started snickering now. Glimmer looked genuinely appalled.

"I could get you expelled, you know!" She said sticking her head up higher looking around the room like someone who stole a glance at another's test to copy it down.

"You have no idea how wrong you are. I came here on a scholarship and they practically begged for me to come so, I doubt it, bitch," I stuck my finger up at her to complete it. I didn't exactly lie, they did pay for a lot of the money for me to attend, and they might of begged for me to come, but I don't know. 


"Wait," I say shaking my hands around while trying to to crack up, "your father, is the principal?"

"Yeah and..?"

"And... that must be the reason that you haven't been expelled or failed a class."

" I all I ever do is be me, the amazing, pretty, beautiful, hot, good-looking, beautiful, amazingly good-looking, pretty, person! You are just an ugly no body!" 

"Wow. That almost hurt. And maybe you should eat makeup, so you can be pretty on the inside, too!" I said with the same amount of fake cheerfulness in my voice as Glimmers.

 "YOU ARE A CRAZY BITCH!" Glimmer tried to bitch-slap me as some would call it, but I would call it weak. 

I easily dodged it, so pulled my hand into a fist and let it fly. I heard a crunch. Ouch, that would of hurt.

I look around the room and see four boys- one of them I recognise, but they all look like they could kill, they were heading this way and I knew it would get ugly if I didn't do something. FAST. 

"Um. Oh, look at the time class is starting," I said nervously, pretending to look at a clock, while she and the boys are distracted, I push Glimmer A.K.A, Ms bubble-gum to the floor to fling open the locker door and I grab my books, but when I close the door to my locker, someone puts their hand there. I look into his eyes, they are chocolate brown and his blond hair has some brown at the top. His name is Cato, I heard Someone near my left say it to her friend.

I looked around and remembered what Effie said good luck! I didn't understand until now - he is wearing a shirt that is skin tight, they way he closed me in, the way he kissed Clove. He wouldn't punch me, he would try to kiss me. No, no . . . that was not going to happen. Not again.

"Move," I said simply, when he didn't, I tried to push him, but he knew it was coming, so he kept his ground.

"SORRY, I don't think you heard me. NOW MOVE!" I repeated not with fear or nervousness, but with anger. Pure anger, so I kneed him where it hurts and ran. That was one thing I was good at.

                                                                             *                            *                            *

As I walk to my first class I hear people whispering about me.

"The new kid stood up to Glimmer!"

"Did you see the look in the new kids eye it was like fire and her top says it too! Spread the word 'The Girl on Fire'"

"Did you hear about the girl on fire?"

"OMG! The Girl on Fire looked scary as!"

"I heard she was in year 7 last year and  will start to learn year 10 maths." 

"Cato tried to kiss the girl on fire, what a waste of time!"

I am fine/don't care with all of the names and what not, but one stings in peculiar. 

"Hey, is that Katniss? She used to go to my school. Her dad was killed! She was treated like a queen because of it."

I turned around and faced the person who said it. I gave them the finger.

"My father was a great man and he was killed in a mining accident, so many others were too!  I don't give a shit what you say, but stay out of my business. "

I feel water drops running don my face. If this is what it is like in high school, I don't want any part of it! 

I remember that the nice lady at the front desk gave me a running order of what comes for the week and at the start of each week I go to her to get it


1st Maths ~ double lesson

3rd English ~ single lesson

4th Science ~ single lesson


5th H.A.S.S. ~ single lesson

6th P.E. (swimming) ~double lesson


AN/ a few of these chapters will be about that one or two lesson/s, also I'm sorry i haven't introduced any of the characters beside Katniss, Finnick, Cato, Glimmer and Clove, but I promise you will meet all of the characters in the next 1-4 chapters. BTW: I don't post as much or as soon as I  would like to, but can you help me out with the plot. Thanks Finniss_rulz

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