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As I walk into maths class I see 3 men, all with empty seats next to them. One was the guy I met on the bus and was walking towards me before. The second one was walking towards me before, has black hair, brown eyes, but had this hurt look in his eyes that I can't figure out. The last one I can't quite remember, but I know that I do. He has blond hair and brown eyes, and definitely wasn't Cato. The guy never seems to stop smiling and he looks nice. He kind of looks like a baker.

I sit at the back of the class room next to none of them and only realise a second after, that they all wanted to sit next to me and there is a seat next to me that is free. Ocean eyes, other boy and never stop smiling all stand up and start to head their way towards me. Then a girl walks and beats them to my spot, smiles at me, then realises that he boys wanted to sit here. 

"Oh, sorry. I just really wanted to meet Katniss Everdeen.    Madge Undersee." Madge holds her arm out for me to shake, and I gladly do. "Finnick Odair is so hot," she whispers to me, but Finnick hears, so he stays. Finnick is ocean eyes, got it.

The Finnick winks at Madge and she blushes. I look at her with wide eyes and him in disgust.  I roll my eyes. Finnick smirks. 

"Leave her alone, we both know that you could never like anyone more than yourself," I say and he pouts. I see a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. Finnick looks at the other girl sitting next to me and whispers something in her ear. She immediately stands up and moves to where he was sitting 3 seconds ago, looks back at him and says, " 4:30 would be great." I gag.

He leans in close to me and whispers, "you think Glimmer is powerful?" He points at himself "then you, now you, are going to go through hell."

"Try me," I sneer.

As he leans back out, the teacher comes in, and says, "sorry I'm late. Today, as all of you would most likely know, we have a new student, Katniss Everdeen. Hello Katniss, I'm Plutarch." He nods and smiles. 

The rest of the class is like a breeze, there is equations that I haven't even seen before, but I learn the tips and tricks fast. Finnick looks like he is struggling, so I tell him the answer "y = x 7 + (3x2) divided by 3."

He gives me a bewildered look. I sigh.

"The answer is y = x7 + (3x2) ÷ 3, look at the equation properly. Do they all fit with it? Yes, no? Whatever, you don't get it."

I stand up and give the test to Plutarch, he looks surprised and I nudge him. He stares at me with his mouth wide open and has no words, except "I'm surprised they didn't put you in a higher  maths class," he looks at the clock and although there still is ten minuets until lunch, he sends all of us into the cafetiere and slumps into his chair.

Of course, non of us start to head the way towards it except me, with my head hung low in an attempt not to be seen. Take note on that sentence, non of us Start to head the way towards it.

I stop when I realise that a voice is less than three inches away from me.

"Katniss," someone said, almost a whisper.

"Odair." I spit his last name out, and mange to bring my head up without touching his body . . . his perfect body, with nice sized abs . . . ughhhhhhh! I can't believe I even thought that for less than a second, this isn't a love story. It's high school!

I glare at him noticing that he saw look at them, but it is hard to have him feel uncomfortable around me when he is a head taller and seems to like my reaction to it.

"What do you want?" I said through gritted teeth with a smile plastered on face, while battering my eye lashes at him. That leads to him chuckling, which leads to him getting closer to me. I don't know what to do, so I start backing up and soon hit the locker behind me. His smirk expands when he knows that I realise that I won't be getting out of this one anytime soon.

"What do you want?" I say taking a shaky breath closing my eyes.

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