Scrape Wound

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"Looks like Red got lost again..." thought Ar-2567 as she looked at Ae-3803. Ar-2567 and Ae-3803 weren't going to the same place for the last delivery so they went their separate ways. Ar-2567 hah just finished her last delivery and was on her way to get her next delivery, and maybe get some glucose on the way.

"Hey! Red! Looks like you got lost again didn't you?" Ar-2567 shouts to Ae-3803 walking towards her.

"Huh? Oh! Astra! Yeah, I did." Ae-3803 said sheepishly.

"What are you doing?" the voice of another cell asked them.

The two girls looked towards where the voice came from and saw it was another female Red Blood Cell like them.

"Senpai!" it was Ar-2567 and Ae-3803's senpai, AA-5100.

"Why are you here?" asked Ae-3803 as the girls ran/walked towards their senpai.

"Seriously! You're as directionally-challenged as ever, are you?" AA-5100 says to Ae-3803, "Lost your way again?"

"Sorry." Ae-3803 apologizes sheepishly.

"Let me see," AA-5100 says looking at Ae-3803's map, "Hey, I'm heading that way, too. So wanna tag along with me partway?"

"Hai! I'm counting on you!" Ae-3803 says excitedly.

"I'll come with you guys, I have a bit of spare time before my next delivery and so when we do part-ways, Red won't get lost," Ar-2567 says with a closed eyed smile, "Plus, we can catch up with each other!"

Just as Ar-2567 finishes her sentence, the three Red Blood Cells here whistleblower nearby being blown, causing the girls to look outside the window. Outside on their way to cross the bridge, are the Platelets chanting 'Heave-oh! Heave-oh!', the one holding a white and pink basket with pink hearts on it, blowing on the whistle was leading the rest of the Platelets who were carrying big brown cargo.

"So cute!"


"They sure are!" the three girls said absorbed in the cute Platelets' cuteness.

"Everybody, stop!" said the leader Platelet after blowing the whistle to stop the others, "There's a stairway!"

"You're right!" said the Platelet with their cap facing backwards (A/N: I have no idea if this Platelet is a boy or a girl so...), then nodding to the leader Platelet as she nodded back.

"Everybody, be careful!" said the leading Platelet to the others.


The three Red Blood Cells watched as the Platelets carefully walked down the steps of the bridge, thankfully, the Platelets made it down safe and Ae-3803 released the breath she was holding. The Platelets then cheered for their success getting down the steps safe and started to play with a few of the Red Blood Cells near them. Things sure were peaceful in the section of blood vessels the Ae-3803 and Ar-2567 were in.


As the Platelets were about to move on, the one with the basket dropped one of her items, and asked if someone could pick it up for her. Thankfully Ae-3803 picked it up for her as she, Ar-2567, and AA-5100 were passing by.

"Big Sister Red Blood Cell!" said the Platelet.

"Here you go!" Ae-3803 putting the item in the basket the Platelet was holding (A/N: I really need to give her a name...).

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

"Everybody! Let's wash the fibrin here!" said the leading Platelet.

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