Spilling the Tea

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A/N: This is took me a few hours to write (plus a major brain dead of ignoring it from reading fanfics...) but its here, enjoy.

Ar-2567/Astra Aukai's POV

I hate this right now... This is my current situation: being stuck in a giant pile of fellow red blood cells and U-1146 and are going to still be stuck in this pile for the next few days... It's currently nighttime right now too... not sure how its possible considering the fact that something in the human body is constantly moving. I guess its like cities, always active.

(A/N: ok this was never even confirmed at all in the anime that there is a nighttime in the Cells at Work world I'm just adding one in for the story, plus if the cells are like humans, in a sense, in the body they would need some rest now and again)

But my god it's too hot and squished here!!! I feel like I'm going to have a heat stroke or something soon!

Not only that I want U-1146 to stop staring at me like I'm one of those (insert a super fake excited and sarcastic voice) "Find the Hidden Items in the Picture!" puzzles and hasn't found a single one since he started it!!! This is getting annoying, and it doesn't help that it's blazing hot still being used like cork plug on a champagne bottle... 

"Will you please STOP STARING at me!?!?!" I whispered yelled at U-1146.

Timeskip a few days after finally being freed from being used like a cork plug...

3rd person POV

Being freed from being used to form a scab felt like heaven for the blood cells. Currently, Ae-3803 and Ar-2567 are on their break sitting in a surprisingly deserted break area, until U-1146 arrived for a break and cup of tea.

Ever since the day of the scrape wound, U-1146 was suspicious of Ar-2567, why and how would an ordinary Red Blood Cell know what a Abrasion is? Or even a Pneumococcus? Its possible that she knew of it from experience.

But it wouldn't add up then.

1) Ae-3803 told him (during one of the chats they have when he has to help her find her way around the body) that Ar-2567 had always been there for her and was even in the same group together when they became official Red Blood Cells.

So Ar-2567 couldn't of already have experienced an Abrasion before since the last one they were in was Ae-3803's first one. And it was unlikely she already experienced a Pneumococcus invasion before the first time he met the two Red Blood Cells.

2) Red Blood Cells aren't taught about the different type of wounds, bacterias, infections and diseases that could happen to/in the body.

The only way she could of learned of these things is if an cell involved with the body's immune system told her. But Red and White Blood Cells don't tend to socially interact with each other since Red Blood Cells were usually scared of White Blood Cells or the ladder doesn't bother to mention it as the others already know what their dealing with or too busy doing their job.

Yet she spoke as if she knew what Pneumococci, Abrasions and many more diseases were. And in such a detailed way too.

But then there's the strangest things were:

3) How Ar-2567 explained what a Abrasion was.

The problem with this fact was that she was explaining it as if the body was a person and knew what the body would most name the Abrasion upon looking at it. And she said Blood. Not explaining it as Blood Cells falling out of their world A.K.A the body.

She explained it as if she wasn't explaining it to a cell, but something else.

4) Ar-2567 said an Abrasion came to be known as one of the "Not a big deal" type of wound.

An Abrasion is a big deal to the body's immune system defense. If they don't take it seriously and take out the germs and bacteria that enter the body, their world would end. So why would Ar-2567 call it "Not a big deal" type of wound?

This begged the questions:

1) Who is Ar-2567 really? She looks like a Red Blood Cell, but she's too out of ordinary compared to other Red Blood Cells in their knowledge of bacteria and diseases, only needed to know their way around the body, delivering oxygen & nutrients, and why their job is important.

2) Is she an abnormal cell that did not belong? (like a Cancer Cell)

(Anyways) U-1146 saw the two Red Blood Cells and decided that this is the perfect time to have his questions answered.

"So Astra how's your day going?"

"It's going fine."

Astra? But her name is Ar-2567...

"Hey Ar-2567, who are you?" U-1146 asks cutting into the girls' conversation.

"What do you mean?" AR-2567 asks.

"Your a Red Blood Cell yet you know about diseases and bacteria, information usually told to Red Blood Cells. Its also strange how you explained things, as if you were explaining it to something else and not a cell. Then there's the fact that Ae-3803 just called you Astra. What is that? Or is that even your real name? Or are you an abnormal cell that doesn't belong?" U-1146 questions Ar-2567 as he walks up to them, while Ae-3803, who's watching this interaction, looks between them nervously.

"Fine. I'll tell you what you want to know." U-1146 and Ae-3803's eyes widen, not expecting Ar-2567's answer.

"But before I do. Do you believe in reincarnation?"

"Reincarnation?" U-1146 asks.

"Its the belief of when the soul or life force of a living thing dies and is reborn in a different shape or form. The reason I asked this is because I was reborn as a Red Blood Cell. I was a human, or in a cell's perspective: a world just like this one; in my previous life."

U-1146 was shocked, eyes widen. The Red Blood Cell in front of him, in her previous life, used to be one of the worlds just like the one their in? Its hard to believe, that's for sure.

"Just like in the human world, there are many jobs. I was an 18 year old girl studying to be a doctor, someone who help others who check on one's health and helps them stay healthy and/or get better. And as I was studying to be a doctor I had learned of hundreds of bacteria, diseases, illnesses, and many more. My name used to be Astra Aukai. I died in accident saving a young girl from what would of been her death and ended up taking her place. Next thing I knew after that was I was reborn as a Red Blood Cell. Up until now the only one who knew about this before was AE-3803." Ar-2567 explained.

"I guess that explains why you know about Abrasions and Pneumococci, but how do I know your not lying?" U-1146 asks still not fully convinced.

"I guess you don't. Its up to you if you believe me or not. But I'd like it if you keep quiet about this, if it was known publicly about this it would certainly cause chaos and might lead to my death again and I'd like to avoid that. Now if you'd excuse me, I have to get back to my job." Ar-2567 says as she gets up stretching and walks away Ae-3803 chasing after her or she'll get herself lost again.

U-1146 watches the girls walk away back to their job.

Leaving him to his cup of tea and thoughts.


Finally finished with this chapter!

Sorry everyone who was looking forward to this part for taking so long. I was pretty much just reading other fanfics from other fandoms until my brain finally decided to finish this part and get it over with after leaving it unfinished once I started it.

I hoped you guys all enjoyed it and I'll see you guys in another part or in another book!

Stay safe and See ya!

Word Count (not including the A/N's): 1204 words

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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