A/N PLEASE READ; I need help...

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I was debating with myself how to say this since probably most people don't read the little author's notes at the bottom of any fanfic and they're annoying, but I need help...

I haven't been updating this not nearly has often as my Random Fanfic Ideas story since:

1) My Random Fanfic Idea story is a lot easier to update as I don't have to deal with adding a plot and their just my wonders of "what if's" and random thoughts

2) I've been procrastinating since it usually takes me like a few hours to even update one part since I do it all at once while watching the episode bit by bit to make sure I didn't forget anything

3) I need your guys' opinion with a choice of the story and I'm not getting a lot of comments on it...

So far I have 3 yes' for the secret and I'm planning on waiting until I have like around 5-10 comments one the idea. Also, I"m dropping the ship idea since U-4989 doesn't show up enough... so please comment on it below to help me!  🙏

So here it is: Do I let U-1146 in on Ar-2567's secret on her past life?




Other than that's it. See you next time!

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