56. Hannah

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"Are you coming with me to the airport?" I ask Cole.

"Of course, hun. You wouldn't get to the flight without me" He answers and both laugh.

"Do you think that bad about me?" I ask.

"Babe, last time you couldn't even find the toilet at Starbucks" He answers. I sigh and turn around. Cole gives me a soft kiss behind my ear and I feel so inlove with him. 

"Should I have my hair up or down?" I ask Cole.

"You look gorgeous in both" He answers and gives me a kiss on the lips.

"I guess I'll have it up then" I say and puts it up in a simple ponytail. 

We takes the taxi to the airport and the ride is about 10 minutes long. Under the ride I thinks a lot, now I have to leave Cole under a week. I will miss him so much but I really need to see my friends again. We haven't meet in like 2 and a half weeks which is much for us, we used to see eachother every day. I have missed them so much and it'll be so nice to see them again. We have planed a really nice week.

But when I look at Cole I realise how much I'll miss him and it hurts me a little bit. 

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